Monday, November 28, 2011

The "Wonder"

Girls, I hope this doesn't ever get old.

The outpouring of generosity towards these young ladies in fostercare that we are adopting for Christmas has really blown us away.

I really hope we don't ever lose the wonder of seeing the activity of God move in and through CG Girls.

won·der : to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel

Some of our Project Crazy Love stories that have added to the wonder:

  • CGGirl's coworker made scarves for all of the PCL girls and her husband decided they needed gloves too and bought 14!

  • CGGirl decided we shouldn't have to buy anymore shirtboxes and got Kohls in Canton to donate 100 of them.

  • When our CGGirl shopping for hoodies at Old Navy with our donated giftcards could only get 12 of them, her Mom stepped in and purchased two more to make it a beautiful 14!

  • Our gift total so far: 1,004.

I once read this quote and I've never forgotten it, "Mercy saves us but grace throws the party" --  and in a few weeks we are going to throw an amazing party for 14 young women.

14 young women who have no idea:

  • They have been planned for and thought about for 17 months.

  • We teared up when we finally got their first names.

  • They have captivated the generous hearts of women all over Metro Detroit.

  • Their names are going before the Creator of all life in prayers daily.Aren't you so glad you are a part of a movement of women who are taking God's love from the pews to the pavement?

Me, too!

PS - There is still time to contribute to this outpouring of  Tami (at) Connectionchurch (dot) info or leave a comment below!   We would like to get all fourteen girls pedicures or manicures and are collecting toward making that happen!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

CG Appreciation Dinner

We celebrated last night.

Celebrated the wonderful, fantastic awesome people who served in 2011 at a CommonGround Event.  

We can't do this without them is a true statement.  We wouldn't do it without them is a truer statement.   

We showed this recap video last night and wanted to share it with all of you, too.

Last night wasn't just about an enormous Mexican Buffet,  Pie Table, Brittany Ball leaving us speechless with a song, or the gameshow, "Deal or No Deal, CG Style" where we gave away a bunch and I mean a bunch of gifts.    Ok...yes, it was all those things...but it was the laughter and the conversations that people who are united with a common purpose can only understand.

Wanta get involved with our January event?  We've got openings on our Set Up Team (Friday 9am - 12noon day of event),  Inventory Specialist Team (helps count and pack up the items that are donated),  or the Clean Up Team (Friday, 930pm -11pm night of the event.)

[wpvideo qaBXQZZn]


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Like Sunshine on a Cloudy Day....CGGIRLS!

As Project Crazy Love is ramping up...the days get longer and the struggles with putting together a big event seem to get stickier.  It never fails that when we need encouragement it comes.  Isn't that one of the neatest things about serving a very personal God.  He just "gets us" -- and as women that is a miracle in itself,  amen ?  ;)

We received this note today on FB:
I am moved each time I've come (to CG) and floored with everything from the band (AWESOME!), to the treats, to even the details of counting the gifts and churches who attend.  (I'm a cheeseball, I know) Thank you for hosting this event and allowing me to be a part.  I can't wait for January to be floored again.  LOVE LOVE LOVE Commonground.

Awww...  :)  That made our day!

Guess what?  We are cheeseballs, too! We love seeing the impact that God is making through our collective effort.  Stats are important to us...big KUDOS to Kim Ryan, our CG Inventory Specialist, who tackles the enormous job of counting all the items as they are brought into each event.   Give that girl a calculator and clipboard and just stand out of her way... :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

CG Girls are generous.

Yes.  Yes, you are!

In the last 24 hrs alone,  CG Girls donated to Project Crazy Love:

  •  Bunch (and by bunch I mean a WHOLE LOT!) of wrapping paper, boxes and scotch tape!

  •  Lipgloss, Kohls, Target, and McDonald's gift cards!

  •  Money!

I just opened a note with a Target gift card in it from a dear CG Girl whose husband is out of work,  they are living with her parents and they just had a baby!    Is that not one of the most tender reflections of  God's love through giving that you've seen in a while?  We are blown away by God's provision for these young women in foster care.   God is stirring us up!