Monday, October 31, 2011

CG Girls: Crossing Generations

One of the coolest things we are seeing more and more of at our CG events is this:

"I was invited to come by my Mom"

"My Mom invited me."

"I'm here with my Mom"

Moms & Daughters finding their commonground as women who love God.

That's pretty cool isn't it?

If you are over the age of 13 we would love to see you at our next CG event in January!

Bring Mom.   You'll be so glad you did!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Roll Call! PS -- are you flickin' your B.I.C.? :)

CG Girls,  can you believe its been a week since CG Girls gathered together from these churches:

  1. Milan Free Methodist

  2. Rivers of Living Water

  3. Connection Church

  4. Metro South Church

  5. Northridge Church

  6. Grace Christian

  7. Beacon Baptist - Taylor

  8. St. Luke

  9. Church of Jesus Christ

  10. Monroe Vineyard

  11. Calvary Baptist

  12. EMU

  13. Highland Park Baptist

  14. Life Church - Canton

  15. Calvary Baptist Church

  16. Church of The King

  17. St. Thomas A' Beckett

  18. St. Francis

  19. Dearborn Free Methodist Church

  20. Faith Baptist

  21. Harvest Bible Chapel

  22. Elevate - Monroe

  23. Huntington Woods Lutheran Church

  24. SS Simon & St. Jude Westland

  25. Bethany Bible Church

  26. Dearborn Presbyterian

  27. Neuburgh UMC

  28. Hartford Church

  29. Merriman Rd Baptist

  30. Wyandotte Family Church

We said it that night and we'll say it again here...
Anyone who says unity in the body of Christ does not exist has not been to a CG event!   This is amazing...30 churches represented.    Look what God is doing!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Known, Loved, Invited...

Loving those far from God is easier when we remember that all of us have been far from God at some point.

God is a great Father.

Crazy in love with His creation.  It's often called His Unfailing Love in the Word.

This all-knowing God, the One who is captivated with each one of us...knows.

Let that set in today...chicks, we are known.

He loves us with the full knowledge of exactly who we are.

That is the love story He has invited us into...each one of us.

Who of us doesn't love a great love story?

Will you consider helping 14 girls who are far from God see that they are known, loved and invited

into the greatest love story ever?

Project Crazy Love:  Friday, October 21st 7pm

Connection Church
3855 Sheldon Rd.
Canton, MI 48188

Ok, Ok...I'm in!  Now what?

1. Bring your unwrapped
gifts to the event on Friday, Oct. 21st.  If you weren't at the last
event and didn't get a chance to pull a gift tag from the stinkin' cute
pink Christmas Tree then please feel free to bring a gift card (you
choose the $$$) from one of these stores:  Meijer, Walmart, Kohls, Old
Navy or Target.

 2. Are you like me and use bags at Christmas instead of wrapping paper?  Well
if you are and have been wondering what to do with all of the half
used Christmas wrap in your closets...we have a solution!  Please bring
it to the event on Friday, October 21st!  We'll hand it off to the
Project Crazy Love gift wrap team.

CG Girls in Ireland!

Top o' the morning to you CG Girls!

CG Girls from Rivers of Living Water recently took a missions trip to Ireland and showed the CG Love!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

That's a 10 baby!

Hey CG Girls...we are on countdown!  In just ten days (Friday, October 21st at 7pm) women from over 30 churches in the Metro Detroit Area will gather together for a Girl’s Night with a God Focus.   Yep, CG is happening!

New to CG?  Read our backstory!

Speaking of ten...this CG will be our TENTH event!  Is God amazing or what?!

To kick the excitement up a notch…we’re going all out on our giveaways!

TEN!  Yes...we'll be giving away TEN fantastic items that evening.

uh huh...drumroll please...

Pink Luggage Set

Black Luggage Set

 Bath & Body Works Hot Pink Box Gift Set

Surprise Gift Basket full of goodies

Photography Gift Certificate with CaSandra Maynard Photography

 Digital Camera

Gift Basket with Beth Moore Book, Coffee Mug and Coffee

Ring from Showroom of Elegance Jewelry

Pumpkin Candle Holder with Tea Lights

 Pink Bag from "31"

 Pretty sweet, huh?

Call, text, FB your girlfriends and invite them out to CG on October 21st!  Ask them to be a part of something bigger than themselves.   We're taking God's love from the pews to the pavement.

Come with?