Thursday, December 15, 2011

Project Crazy Love: Success!

The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD.  Proverbs 21:31

I've been wondering how to capture what happened on Saturday at the Project Crazy Love (PCL) luncheon in such a way that those who weren't there would "get it"... I'm not sure its possible, but let's try.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."  Psalm 139:13

Our prayer all along has been that our PCL girls would walk away from this lunch with a deeper understanding that there is a God who knows them and loves them.   We believe, wholeheartedly,  God answered that prayer. 

CGGIRLS adopted 14 foster care girls for Christmas with a staggering 1, 120 gifts donated.

For those keeping score at home:  Thats approximately 80 gifts each.   Honestly,  the sight stopped us in our tracks when we would go into the "Reindeer Room"  gift holding tank.

The luncheon was amazing!   All of the CG Teams: Wrapping, Decorating, Food Prep, Drama/Worship Team, The Mighty ELF teams were absolutely amazing!   On site that day, we had women from Connection,  Life Church,  Open Arms,  Metro South Church, Rivers of Living Water, and Westland FMC!  Working side-by-side together...that in itself is a beautiful thing.  :)

"You mean I can have as much chocolate as I want??"   -  PCL Girl!

Oh and did they ever!  Cotton Candy was even dunked in that fountain!  :)

For me personally,  I was not prepared for how deeply the "encouragement tree" would affect our PCL girls.   Looking back now we see it was the Lord's hand leading us to put that tree up.   Those notes of encouragement (168 in total) that several of you wrote during the last CG event deeply ministered to our PCL girls.    When I say deeply...I mean... DEEPLY.   Tears.  Lots of them.   The PCL girls could not believe that women who did not know them would care enough to write them.  They were sincerely touched.  Watching that unfold has profoundly changed so many of us who witnessed it.

"I never got a card before in my life."

"I feel like they know me."

"How could they know thats how I feel?"

"I'm keeping every single one of these cards and hanging them in my room"

All of the girls opened up the one gift under the tree with their name on it.  Thrilled to receive their "one" gift.  They jumped up and down and screamed!  :)   Some of the girls, never took their robes off the entire time!  We loved how God worked it out for the PCL girl who loves Tinkerbell to receive the Tinkerbell robe and the two roommates and best friends got matching robes.  :)

And then the gift explosion happened!  One by one each ELF came in calling out a PCL girl's name and all of their gifts came in like a flowing river.  It was amazing!  A few of the PCL girls were so overwhelmed they sat and cried before opening any gifts.  It was almost too much for them.   We aren't able to post any of those pictures publicly (a complete recap video will be shown at the next CG on January 27, 2012)  but hopefully you'll get the picture painted for you just by these comments:

"All of this is for me?"
" One would have been enough."
"This is my favorite movie!"
"I get a bible with both the New and Old Testament?"
"Someone wrote me a note in the journal...see!"
"SpongeBob is my husband ... I love this movie"

All of the girls received the book Redeeming Love and they would yell out, "BOOKCLUB!" when one would open it.

"How did you know I loved the color Pink?"
"This is my birthstone!"

CGGirls, remember those Old Navy Hoodies?

"Is this new? I can't believe I got something new!"

"I love this smell.  It's the store smell."

God showed them in a very personal way they are not forgotten.  Not only are they not forgotten -- they are loved and a treasure of great value.

I can't thank you enough for all of your generous donations,  the tireless hours spent shopping, wrapping and preparing.

We wanted God to be honored with putting our very best effort forth and I believe that happened.   We believe PCL was completely authored by God.

So thankful that He chooses to use us when writing someone else's story, aren't you? 

The PCL girls came back to the Christmas Play at Connection Church that evening and gave me this beautiful thank you note:

"Dear CG Girls,  Thank you so much for the lunch and all the presents!  We appreciated it alot and it meant so much to us. I don't think words can explain.  It really brightened our day and showed alot of us that there is a God.  And there are people who care about us.  Thank you so much!" 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

That's a wrap!

The last present was wrapped today for Project Crazy Love.

CGgirls donated 1,120 gifts.   Amazed?  Speechless?  Touched? too!

I can't tell you how many times I've sat and looked at all of these wrapped gifts thinking... only God.   I've said it before and I think the statement is still true:
Project Crazy Love has unleashed a powerful move of generosity that could only be authored by God.

As I was trying to quiet my mind last night so sleep would come -- this reality hit me:

We've said from the beginning we wanted these 14 girls to be so overwhelmed by the goodness of God that when they are 60 years old they would still be talking about Project Crazy Love.  "There was a group of women who didn't know me but they loved God and blew my mind for Christmas when I was a teenager."  Can you picture it?

The reality hit me last night that its going to be US talking about this decades from now.  How we watched a group of women who loved God, gather in unity and strength with a giving spirit.  And how we watched God move on behalf of the broken hearted,  lost  and forgotten.

Girls, it's us that have been marked by this.  It's us.   I haven't talked to one person who has been involved with PCL who hasn't been deeply moved by the generous spirit in CGgirls.

Two more sleeps!  :)

CaSandra Maynard, CG Photographer,  wraps gift number 1, 120.    The final gift for Project Crazy Love 2011.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

The "Wonder"

Girls, I hope this doesn't ever get old.

The outpouring of generosity towards these young ladies in fostercare that we are adopting for Christmas has really blown us away.

I really hope we don't ever lose the wonder of seeing the activity of God move in and through CG Girls.

won·der : to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel

Some of our Project Crazy Love stories that have added to the wonder:

  • CGGirl's coworker made scarves for all of the PCL girls and her husband decided they needed gloves too and bought 14!

  • CGGirl decided we shouldn't have to buy anymore shirtboxes and got Kohls in Canton to donate 100 of them.

  • When our CGGirl shopping for hoodies at Old Navy with our donated giftcards could only get 12 of them, her Mom stepped in and purchased two more to make it a beautiful 14!

  • Our gift total so far: 1,004.

I once read this quote and I've never forgotten it, "Mercy saves us but grace throws the party" --  and in a few weeks we are going to throw an amazing party for 14 young women.

14 young women who have no idea:

  • They have been planned for and thought about for 17 months.

  • We teared up when we finally got their first names.

  • They have captivated the generous hearts of women all over Metro Detroit.

  • Their names are going before the Creator of all life in prayers daily.Aren't you so glad you are a part of a movement of women who are taking God's love from the pews to the pavement?

Me, too!

PS - There is still time to contribute to this outpouring of  Tami (at) Connectionchurch (dot) info or leave a comment below!   We would like to get all fourteen girls pedicures or manicures and are collecting toward making that happen!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

CG Appreciation Dinner

We celebrated last night.

Celebrated the wonderful, fantastic awesome people who served in 2011 at a CommonGround Event.  

We can't do this without them is a true statement.  We wouldn't do it without them is a truer statement.   

We showed this recap video last night and wanted to share it with all of you, too.

Last night wasn't just about an enormous Mexican Buffet,  Pie Table, Brittany Ball leaving us speechless with a song, or the gameshow, "Deal or No Deal, CG Style" where we gave away a bunch and I mean a bunch of gifts.    Ok...yes, it was all those things...but it was the laughter and the conversations that people who are united with a common purpose can only understand.

Wanta get involved with our January event?  We've got openings on our Set Up Team (Friday 9am - 12noon day of event),  Inventory Specialist Team (helps count and pack up the items that are donated),  or the Clean Up Team (Friday, 930pm -11pm night of the event.)

[wpvideo qaBXQZZn]


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Like Sunshine on a Cloudy Day....CGGIRLS!

As Project Crazy Love is ramping up...the days get longer and the struggles with putting together a big event seem to get stickier.  It never fails that when we need encouragement it comes.  Isn't that one of the neatest things about serving a very personal God.  He just "gets us" -- and as women that is a miracle in itself,  amen ?  ;)

We received this note today on FB:
I am moved each time I've come (to CG) and floored with everything from the band (AWESOME!), to the treats, to even the details of counting the gifts and churches who attend.  (I'm a cheeseball, I know) Thank you for hosting this event and allowing me to be a part.  I can't wait for January to be floored again.  LOVE LOVE LOVE Commonground.

Awww...  :)  That made our day!

Guess what?  We are cheeseballs, too! We love seeing the impact that God is making through our collective effort.  Stats are important to us...big KUDOS to Kim Ryan, our CG Inventory Specialist, who tackles the enormous job of counting all the items as they are brought into each event.   Give that girl a calculator and clipboard and just stand out of her way... :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

CG Girls are generous.

Yes.  Yes, you are!

In the last 24 hrs alone,  CG Girls donated to Project Crazy Love:

  •  Bunch (and by bunch I mean a WHOLE LOT!) of wrapping paper, boxes and scotch tape!

  •  Lipgloss, Kohls, Target, and McDonald's gift cards!

  •  Money!

I just opened a note with a Target gift card in it from a dear CG Girl whose husband is out of work,  they are living with her parents and they just had a baby!    Is that not one of the most tender reflections of  God's love through giving that you've seen in a while?  We are blown away by God's provision for these young women in foster care.   God is stirring us up!

Monday, October 31, 2011

CG Girls: Crossing Generations

One of the coolest things we are seeing more and more of at our CG events is this:

"I was invited to come by my Mom"

"My Mom invited me."

"I'm here with my Mom"

Moms & Daughters finding their commonground as women who love God.

That's pretty cool isn't it?

If you are over the age of 13 we would love to see you at our next CG event in January!

Bring Mom.   You'll be so glad you did!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Roll Call! PS -- are you flickin' your B.I.C.? :)

CG Girls,  can you believe its been a week since CG Girls gathered together from these churches:

  1. Milan Free Methodist

  2. Rivers of Living Water

  3. Connection Church

  4. Metro South Church

  5. Northridge Church

  6. Grace Christian

  7. Beacon Baptist - Taylor

  8. St. Luke

  9. Church of Jesus Christ

  10. Monroe Vineyard

  11. Calvary Baptist

  12. EMU

  13. Highland Park Baptist

  14. Life Church - Canton

  15. Calvary Baptist Church

  16. Church of The King

  17. St. Thomas A' Beckett

  18. St. Francis

  19. Dearborn Free Methodist Church

  20. Faith Baptist

  21. Harvest Bible Chapel

  22. Elevate - Monroe

  23. Huntington Woods Lutheran Church

  24. SS Simon & St. Jude Westland

  25. Bethany Bible Church

  26. Dearborn Presbyterian

  27. Neuburgh UMC

  28. Hartford Church

  29. Merriman Rd Baptist

  30. Wyandotte Family Church

We said it that night and we'll say it again here...
Anyone who says unity in the body of Christ does not exist has not been to a CG event!   This is amazing...30 churches represented.    Look what God is doing!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Known, Loved, Invited...

Loving those far from God is easier when we remember that all of us have been far from God at some point.

God is a great Father.

Crazy in love with His creation.  It's often called His Unfailing Love in the Word.

This all-knowing God, the One who is captivated with each one of us...knows.

Let that set in today...chicks, we are known.

He loves us with the full knowledge of exactly who we are.

That is the love story He has invited us into...each one of us.

Who of us doesn't love a great love story?

Will you consider helping 14 girls who are far from God see that they are known, loved and invited

into the greatest love story ever?

Project Crazy Love:  Friday, October 21st 7pm

Connection Church
3855 Sheldon Rd.
Canton, MI 48188

Ok, Ok...I'm in!  Now what?

1. Bring your unwrapped
gifts to the event on Friday, Oct. 21st.  If you weren't at the last
event and didn't get a chance to pull a gift tag from the stinkin' cute
pink Christmas Tree then please feel free to bring a gift card (you
choose the $$$) from one of these stores:  Meijer, Walmart, Kohls, Old
Navy or Target.

 2. Are you like me and use bags at Christmas instead of wrapping paper?  Well
if you are and have been wondering what to do with all of the half
used Christmas wrap in your closets...we have a solution!  Please bring
it to the event on Friday, October 21st!  We'll hand it off to the
Project Crazy Love gift wrap team.

CG Girls in Ireland!

Top o' the morning to you CG Girls!

CG Girls from Rivers of Living Water recently took a missions trip to Ireland and showed the CG Love!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

That's a 10 baby!

Hey CG Girls...we are on countdown!  In just ten days (Friday, October 21st at 7pm) women from over 30 churches in the Metro Detroit Area will gather together for a Girl’s Night with a God Focus.   Yep, CG is happening!

New to CG?  Read our backstory!

Speaking of ten...this CG will be our TENTH event!  Is God amazing or what?!

To kick the excitement up a notch…we’re going all out on our giveaways!

TEN!  Yes...we'll be giving away TEN fantastic items that evening.

uh huh...drumroll please...

Pink Luggage Set

Black Luggage Set

 Bath & Body Works Hot Pink Box Gift Set

Surprise Gift Basket full of goodies

Photography Gift Certificate with CaSandra Maynard Photography

 Digital Camera

Gift Basket with Beth Moore Book, Coffee Mug and Coffee

Ring from Showroom of Elegance Jewelry

Pumpkin Candle Holder with Tea Lights

 Pink Bag from "31"

 Pretty sweet, huh?

Call, text, FB your girlfriends and invite them out to CG on October 21st!  Ask them to be a part of something bigger than themselves.   We're taking God's love from the pews to the pavement.

Come with?

Friday, September 2, 2011

I like my coffee double/double with a few tears, please!

CG Girls,

All that's missing from today is the beach.  Today has SUMMER written all over it.  A lot of sunshine!   Before I start my Labor Day weekend (tick, minutes!)  I wanted to share with you a note I received  from a teenage girl who comes to commonground events with her Mom.     If you've been around commonground any length of time you know that our heart is for girls (13+) to come,  engage and take their place on commonground.    CG is definitely a cross generational event and we are thrilled about it!  We really do love that CG is a place where Moms and daughters can worship and serve together!  Please read this note and invite a young woman in your life to the next CG on Friday, October 21st.  We really have no idea what kind of impact we make on each other's lives do we?  I am thankful for all of you!  Oh and yes, its true, when I read this I did cry in my coffee.   :)

Hey Tami, I just wanted to say how thankful I am to have you in me and my mom's life. I can tell you've made a difference in my life, as well as my mom's, and I'm glad you did. My mother and I didn't have a very good relationship and we tended to bump heads a lot. However, since we've started going to the CG events I've noticed that we've gotten closer as mother and daughter. Though we still have our days, we don't fight as much as we used to. The CG events give my mom and I something to do together and it doesn't just bring her and I closer to each other, but also to God. I'm looking forward to maybe becoming a CG Girl like you and my mom in a few years ;-);-) Anyways, I just had to let you know how important you are to me because without you and the rest of the CG Girls, I wouldn't be where I am today....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Student Leadership, Cupcakes and Me.

I had the privilege to spend some time with some fantastic young women on the UNDIVIDED Leadership Team today.

Want to meet them?

Aren't they just fantastic?

They are all uniquely and wonderfully made...

...and they all screamed in the parking lot when we pulled into Just Baked!

Yep, I got points!! :)

Who in the younger generation can you spend a few hrs with?

You'll be the one who learns.  :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Girls who love God? You Bet!

CG Girls!

I know some of you are getting ready for your children to start school in a very short time from now.   Or maybe you've been ready for a while?? :)    My nephew goes away to college next week and my sister has already unashamedly said, "I'm going to be a wreck!"    :)

Whatever camp this blog post finds you in -- its time to get our 10th COMMONGROUND event on Friday, October 21st on our radar screens!    The CG outreach team is meeting tonight to discuss the details and start putting the plans into action!

If you were at the last CG event you know the exciting news that two women gave their lives to Christ that night!  This has been a source of such joy for us.    We are also excited that Camp Kesem received:

  • 75 Sunblock

  • 59 Bug Sprays

  • 166 Coloring Books

  • 5,169 Crayons

  • 2, 037 Individual Snacks

CG girls are some of the most fantastically generous women we have ever met.   You continually blow our minds!

Also announced that evening was our support of Laban Ministries.  Laban Ministries is bringing life-changing hope of Jesus to the Congo!  They run a Women's Literacy Center in the Congo - teaching women to read using the Bible.  48 out of the 94 female students accepted Christ last year!    We are committing to send a portion of our offering from each CG event to this ministry.   Very Exciting!   Check it out for yourselves:

We are really excited not only about the focus of our October 21st event Project Crazy Love but also we'll be celebrating our 10th commonground event that night!

To add to the celebration that night, we'll be having 10 giveaways!  

Yep, 10!!!!! 

We can't wait!  Invite your girlfriends -- this is going to be a blast!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Women of Faith: Go!

Just returning from Women of Faith: IMAGINE in Indianapolis...I wanted to jot down type out my thoughts before the busyness of Monday knocks on my door in a few hrs.

I could sum up the entire experience in one word:  GO!

But that might leave you hanging a I'll give you a few more words...

This was my first WOF event and I want to say, "WHERE has it been all my life!"  Seriously...WOF started 16 yrs ago and I'm just now hearing about it?   (note to self: I need to get out more)

Here are some nuggets for you:

  • 7,000 women attended Friday event.  10,000 on Saturday.  Yeah, thats right...LOTS of chicks!  It was so cool to see women from all different churches gathering together.  It was REALLY cool!  :)   I enjoyed meeting so many different women.  That is definitely a true statement.  Anddd...keeping things real on our is another true statement: I enjoyed looking at all the different shoes, purses, scarves and absolutely fantastic haircuts!)

  • The WOF theme this year is IMAGINE.   And before the John Lennon song gets stuck in your head, it's based on this scripture...

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,  to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.   Ephesians 3:20-21

  • Sheila Walsh who is outrageously funny and tenderly loving.  Spoke very openly about where her journey in life had taken her and how God met her there.  Some of her nuggets:

          • Nothing will make you more beautiful than the word of God.

          • You need to read the word,  with the times as they are, you need to know what you can stake your life on.

          • You have not lived an unloved moment in your life.

          • I'm (God) going to take her to the very place she fears most but I'll be going with her.

          • The Shepherd knows where to find you.

          • The Good Shepherd has a job and that is to make sure you get home. Let Him lead you.

          • Jesus is the good news, we are not.

  • Henry Cloud is just plain smart.  Nothing else to say.  Except this:

          • When the co-dependant dies; "someone else's" life flashes before their eyes.

          • If your gifts aren't showing up in the world, you need to correct that.

          • Anything circumstantial only accounts for 10% of our happiness. Once that 10% peaks you'll return to who are you as a person.

          • What really will bring you the happiness you want is a set of life practices and attitudes.

          • Three things to put into practice: become a GIVER (not only $$ but with kind words, helpful tasks, etc.)  CONNECT to others (Baby, be my monkey! You need a band of monkeys in your life), Goals (even if its two a day!)

              • Live life in the ZONE (getting pushed a little more that what you think you can do)

              • If you begin to live in the ZONE of what GOD has called you to do what you don't even believe is possible today will be your life.

          • A good gardener prunes the rose-bush with the future in mind.  Letting God remove the good from your life to make way for the best is sometimes necessary.

          • His preschool daughter responded to the question "What type of man do you think you'll marry?"  I know what I don't want.  I don't want a 40 yr old living on his mother's couch.  She's already a pruner. :)

  • Angela Smith:   Amazing testimony of God using her deepest wounds to touch thousands of lives.  She really is a gifted communicator.  Honestly, I cried so much during it - I didn't take many notes.  This is what stood out then and stands out now:

          • In life's terrible storms you can choose to listen to man or Christ:  The One to Whom I belong.

  • Lisa Harper:   Incredible testimony of her life including her father's salvation.

          • All addictions are a disorder of worship...a running to the wrong things for fulfillment.

          • He sees us.  He sees where we are bruised, where we have been hurt. I have been there and He answered me.  He will answer you.

          • You are marked by the King.

  • Nicole Johnson:  Heart tugging dramas.

          • Do everyone in your life a favor and interview your anger.

                • "Where does it hurt?"

                • Deal with where it hurts.

          • Trust that the tragedy will be made into something beautiful.

  • Luci Swindoll:   There is more life in this 78-year-old woman than most 50 year olds I know. :)  She is just amazing!

          • Live Now, Love Now, Give Now, LIVE today!

          • "I am NOT going to sponsor any children from World Vision"  She went home with 14!

          • "I do things because nobody said I couldn't"

          • Take the opportunity when it comes.

          • Don't live out of regret because you didn't walk by faith.

          • "Oh! You who sits with their cup overflowing...why aren't you drinking?"

  • The WoF worship team were so stinkin' good.  They harmonized so well I kept asking, "Is that really them singing?"Two artists joined the speaking team,  Natalie Grant and Erica from Mary Mary.   I'll let these videos show what a 1000 words can not.  (video HT: Todd Smith )

What an amazing two days!

Thank you Women of Faith  & BookSneeze for giving me this great opportunity!

The most wonderful news is this:

 Ladies, Woman of Faith is heading back to Indy in August 2012!

Now that's something to CELEBRATE!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Women of Faith in Indy!

CG Girls,

Sometimes news comes that is better than a hot cup of coffee.  :)

I'm excited to be selected as a blogger for the Woman of Faith 2011 conference in Indianapolis!  I've never been to a WOF conference before so I am very excited to see what all the buzz is about!

The speaker line up has some very familiar names:

 Sheila Walsh, Luci Swindoll, Lisa Harper, Angie Smith

Musical Guests:  Mary Mary, Natalie Grant

Drama: Nicole Johnson

Special Guest:  Henry Cloud

Wait.. what is Henry Cloud doing at a Woman of Faith conference?   :)  This should get interesting!

This year's theme is Imagine.  It reminds me of one of the scriptures that is near and dear to me:
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,  to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.  ( Eph 3: 20-21)

CG Girls, have you ever been to a Woman of Faith conference?  What was your favorite part?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Roll Call!

Big SHOUT out to the CG girls from 25 different churches that attended Friday Night's commonground!

Kingdom minded chicks rock! 

 1. Connection Church
2. NorthRidge Church
3. Calvary Missionary Livonia
4. Trinity
5. Dearborn Free Methodist
6. St. Marys
7. SouthPoint Church
8. Metro South Church
9. Rivers of Living Water
10. St. Thomas A'Beckett
11. Elevate in Monroe
12. Calvary Baptist Church
13. 1st Baptist of Canton
14. St. Michael's Wayne
15. Huntington Woods Lutheran Church
16. Phoenix Metro Community Church
17. Newburg UMC
18. AA Nazerene
19. Brightmoore Community Church
20. Church of Jesus Christ
21. Ypsilanti Assembly of God
22. Vineyard of Ann Arbor
23. University Lutheran Church
24. Catholic Fellowship
25. His House Christian Fellowship

Thursday, July 14, 2011

CommonGround: Pregame

It's the day before CG, Girls!!!   The excitement is starting to build.

The exciting part is watching to see what will God do this time.  He is limitless!

We're doing our part....and that includes ...

Can you stand it?????????   :)

Tomorrow morning over 1000 gift tags will be on this pink beauty as we get the afterparty room together for quite a celebration!

Check out what the CG Girls over at Rivers of Living Water did this past week?   The kids at Camp Kesem are off to a great start!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Loved & Known by God? Yeah, thats some crazy love!

Good Monday Morning, Girls!

I can imagine that some of you are heading into work this morning,  or maybe figuring out what to do with your imalreadyboredwithsummerchild,   or are planning to get your summer vacation on the books very soon!   Whatever you find your mind trying to handle this Monday morning I hope you take a few minutes to remember you are loved and known.  Loved and known by the most amazing God...the One who is the creator of all life.    Sometimes I ponder that thought and it absolutely leaves me speechless.   The Creator of all life knows me.   Like...really, really knows me.
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd even lived one day.  MSG (Psalm 139:13-16)

Isn't the reality of that staggering?

Perhaps that's why Project Crazy Love is something that is never far from my mind these days.   As I sit in my office fingers pounding on this keyboard, I'm well aware that 14 girls just a few miles from here are loved and known by the same God who loves and knows me.   God loves us equally.    He knows their sin,  He knows my sin,  He knows your sin. 

Let's not kid ourselves, there is always full disclosure with God. 

And still....He loves.  He chooses to love us.   And He waits.  He waits for us to want to know Him.

Patiently, He waits for us.

We have an opportunity with our (can you believe it 10th CG!) October 21st event to adopt these 14 young women for Christmas.    We'll be bringing unwrapped gifts that evening to be given to them at a special surprise luncheon in December.

It all starts this Friday night at CG.  At the after party you'll find a 6ft pink Christmas Tree with close to 1000 gift tags on it.   Pick one, ten or twenty and bring those gifts back to the October event.   Big Shout out to the CG girls at Metro South and Rivers of Living Water Church - they are each taking the responsibility to get all the gifts for two of the girls!

Project Crazy Love is starting....are you ready?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Shout out to our CG Girls at Southpoint Community Church!

There are a bunch of commonground girls who call Southpoint Community Church their home and we love them!   We wanted to give them a blog shout out today because they are hosting a simulcast of .... this woman you probably haven't heard much about... um...whats her name? Oh yeah....Beth Moore.

For $20 (this includes lunch, too!) you will be hard pressed to find something better to do with your Saturday this fall.

Join us on Saturday, September 10th for the Beth Moore Simulcast.   You can get info on tickets, time, etc by following this link: Yes, I wanta go!

If you have a CG shirt, please wear it - I'd like to get a group shot of all of us attending the simulcast!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

July 15, 2011 7pm: Are you coming?

CG Girls -- Check this out!!!

Are you coming to the Friday, July 15th event?

One of our CG girls,  Katy Reitz (aka 'lilalicesews), has created some amazing items for one of our giveaways for that event!

In this special giveaway:  I'm a CG Girl Tote Bag, Pillowcase w/Personality, Hair Pin, Day in Paris Make Up Bag, Day in Paris Coin Purse,  Housewife Plastic Bag Dispenser, Pink Flower Lanyard, Pink Flower Keyring Wristlet.

Phew....I need to take a sip of coffee after typing all that!

Who are you bringing to the next CG? 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Change. What are you gazing on?

Hi CG Girls!

I just read this note on FB by Mary Panich.   I thought it was an excellent reminder for all of us.   If you were to take a few minutes and read this -- you won't be wasting your time.  I promise you!

Change is an inevitable part of life! While knowledge, experience and routine bring security, often change brings uncertainty. And it can be an uncomfortable time. Eccl. 3:1-8 says, “Every activity has its appointed time, ordained by God.” We must trust His will, rest in Him, and be assured God has a plan! Some changes are forced and other’s voluntary. Some changes bring joy, others sorrow and confusion. But all changes can be positive, strengthening experiences when under God’s authority.

We resist change because it’s familiar to remain the same, but change is good! Isaiah 42:9 reminds us, “behold the former things have come to pass,” in other words the past is over. No more regrets, no shame, move forward into fresh horizons. We can’t take hold of our future until we let go of our past.

Consider this account found in the book of Exodus 38: The ladies who left Egypt and followed Moses into the wilderness offered up their mirror’s to build a laver in the tabernacle as an act of worship. The laver was placed and filled with water so the priests could do the ceremonial cleansing before they went into the presence of God.

These women gave up the right to look upon themselves for the greater purpose of looking upon God and serving Him. Many times it’s our own reflection that keeps us from our destiny and we are unable or unwilling to change because of what we’re gazing on. The women of the tabernacle laid down their own glory for a greater glory, the glory of the Lord. That which once reflected the image of a woman now reflected the fire of the sacrifice upon the altar.

What are you gazing on? Surrender it as an act of worship and embrace change as you move into fresh horizons.

Friday, June 17, 2011

CG Girls in the workplace!

Jennifer Strickland, a CG girl sent me this pic of her desk at work -- she is bringing the pink!   Way to go, Jen!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

He IS everything He has promised...

Celebrating the goodness of God today.

As these words from the song Waiting Here for You come through my speakers...
"You are everything you've promised.  Your faithfulness is true.  We're desperate for your presence all we need is you.  Waiting here for you."

I'm reminded over and over again how much my cup runs over with His blessing and goodness.  (Psalm 23:5)

Girls, He is our great reward.   What is God doing in your life today?   Lets encourage each other with a short sentence or two in the comments section.

How is God running your cup over today?  Is He cheer leading you on to break free of a sin in your life?   Holding your hand as you walk out a dark season?   Is He the God who knows you and has reminded you of that?

Oh, I can't wait for you to hear this song.... :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This is no ordinary life...

Sometimes we can go about our day and believe that we are just ordinary people.

Today was one of those days until I picked up the phone a few minutes ago.

On the other end?   A very nervous young woman who said,  "Two women came into where I work the other night and said if I call them they could help me."

The women?  The girls from My Sister Song!  Remember our January outreach?

Girls, we do not live ordinary lives.

Because God is an extraordinary God.

Thank you, God for reminding me...You still fight for those in darkness.

Exodus 14:14  The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.



Monday, June 13, 2011

Camp Kesem: Helping kids who just need to be kids!

Hi CG Girls!

At our July 15th event the outreach spotlight will be on Camp Kesem.   If you weren't at the last event you missed this video that explains a bit about the kid experience at the camp.   We wanted to post it today so you could see it!



Tuesday, April 26, 2011

From the pews to the pavement...

If you hang around CG Girls you'll hear this quite often, " We want to take God's love from the pews to the pavement."  I received two contacts this week that made me smile big and think just that!

We heard from Patricia from Penrickton Center for Blind Children... she writes...
Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for your kind donations of baby wipes, carnation instant cereal and hot cereal  to our center.  Your gift represents a vote of confidence in the programs and services we provide to children who are legally blind with at least one additional disability.

Springtime always seems to be a time for optimism for all of us here at Penrickton Center.  From an infectious smile to the twinkle in their eyes, we know that we have made a difference in helping our children overcome the obstacles that they face each day.  Every day our children seize life for all of its different joys and wonders.

Again, I want to thank you for helping our children thrive and live life to the fullest.   Thank you for the wonderful evening and for all you have done for our children!

Isn't that the coolest?    And remember My Sister Song?  The ministry we helped in January?    Women who attended that event, contacted MSS to come to their church and do training to start an outreach to dancers there.  Isn't that awesome?!!

Girls, God is using our events to spread His love from the pews to the pavement.

Lets continue to trust Him for Big Things ... not just probable things ...but GOD SIZE HUGE THINGS!

Shine brightly this week....where ever God has you!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Event: Recap!

A CG girl just twittered out we have snow coming.  Really?

As much as I love April in Michigan...I love CG girls more!!   In case you missed what happened at our last event a few weeks ago...and really...why did you miss?   Please mark this down: Friday, July 15th 7pm - commonground!!

Once again, God worked through CG Girls who brought over 4000 items for Penrickton Center for Blind Children!  AMAZINGLY generous, girls!  Seriously.  God looks so good on you!

[wpvideo ve4GMxjj]

Friday, April 15, 2011

commonground roll call: 32 churches!

Our event on Friday, April 8th was amazing!  I could list 100 different reasons why but I'll start with the first 32...(in no particular order)

  1. Bethel Baptist

  2. Dearborn Free Methodist

  3. Northridge

  4. 1st Baptist

  5. Connection Church

  6. Church of Jesus Christ Belleville

  7. Metro South

  8. Community Baptist

  9. Southpoint CCC

  10. Rivers of Living Water

  11. His House Christian Fellowship (EMU/UM)

  12. Wallace Street Full Gospel

  13. First Assembly of God Chelsea

  14. St.Mary's Wayne

  15. South Redford Christian Church

  16. Fair Haven Baptist

  17. Life Church

  18. Kensington

  19. Vineyard

  20. Metropolitian Tabernacle

  21. Mosiac

  22. Westland Shekinah Glory Ministries

  23. STAB  Catholic Canton

  24. Calvary Baptist Church

  25. Huron Hills

  26. United Lutheran Church

  27. Plymouth Nazerene

  28. St. Michael Livonia

  29. Parkside Church of Christ

  30. Sturgis Baptist

  31. Woodland

  32. NW Church of Christ - Detroit

Our most diverse crowd yet,  close to 200 women ages 13- 75 -- gathered together to worship the One, True, Living God!

CG girls are spreading the word -- what I loved most is we had 5 women who aren't plugged into a local church.  They are trying to find their spot just like all of us at one time.    We hope CG will be a safe place for women to come, get involved with taking God's love from the pews to the pavement and meet some fantastic women.

Were you at CG?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

CG pregame.

Hi.  It's me again...and yes, I have coffee.  ;)

We're in CG pregame mode and let me tell you ... its never any different.   We are filled with an anxiousness of expectation of what God might choose to do in and through CG girls tomorrow night.

And please don't ever doubt this:  we all have a keen awareness of the responsibility God has entrusted us with -- I can honestly tell you...this doesn't leave my ever.

The CG worship team practiced the other night and I was able to snap some pics -- they are ready! As I tap this keyboard a CG girl is setting up the candles in the auditorium.  In about 3 hrs men will be coming to move chairs and we'll begin transforming the after party room for you.  Tomorrow morning,  CG girls will be gathering to finish set up and get everything "just so"...

Do you feel prepared for?  I hope so.

Our hearts purpose is to serve God through serving you.   We hope it shows.

See you tomorrow night?  7pm?  Hmmmm ?


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And it starts...

Girls, here we go!   A CG girl dropped these off to me yesterday.   Sweet!!   We're collecting:

  • Baby Wipes

  • Carnation Instant Breakfast

  • Maypo or Malt O Meal Hot breakfast cereals

All of these items will be going to Penrickton Center for Blind Children in Taylor, MI.   Come out to commonground: Girl's Night with a God focus this Friday night in Canton, MI!    It all starts at 7pm and ends with an amazing after party complete with giveaways and Starbucks coffee bar,  great appetizers AND you'll meet some of the most fantastic women from Metro Detroit EVER!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Christa Alberts: My Song!

What a great surprise to get back into the states from our trip to Israel and get my copy of our very own CG girl, Christa Alberts new worship project, MY SONG.    MY SONG will be available next Friday night at the next CG event.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jesus came for the rose.

Reflecting on January's event has been a particularly sweet experience for me.  In approximately 72 hrs I will be on my way to Israel to walk where Jesus walked.   Over the last few weeks,  in many ways, God has been preparing my heart to take it all in.  My prayer has been that I will be profoundly different when I return.

I'm not sure where CG is going this year.  I know God is driving this pink bus, thats for sure.  Girls, I know its unchartered waters for most of us.   Determining to take God's love from the pews to the pavement can be a really messy thing sometimes.

Worth everything?   Yeah.

Remember those pink roses we received that night?  Jesus really did come for the rose.  Every single color, size and shape rose.   That's you, me, women who are close to God and women who are very far from God.

All of us.  It's really scandalous isn't it?   That a love so pure would ask each of us to dance?

I think often about the women we helped with sister2sister project. I wonder if they know as they put on the nail polish we collected at the last CG event - that a group of women have been going to the Lord on their behalf.  Not only in words but in action.   Praying that they will know the love of Jesus.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A note from My Sister Song to CG Girls

Girls, this will warm your heart on this wintery day.

We received this email from Laura Urenda, director of My Sister Song.

Hello !

The last My Sister Song NEWSLETTER was at Christmas time and we just passed
Valentine’s Day with Saint Patrick’s Day just around the corner!  Man time
seriously flies!  The outreach are precious to us every single month,
but the holidays are especially fun since we try to do themes for the gift bags
as often as possible.  I really wish the recipients of the gifts could see
all that goes into preparing for the club outreaches, only so they would know
more fully the love for them that motivates us, which brings me to all that
went into the event held for us through COMMON GROUND at Connection
Church.  The theme of the event was “Sister to Sister” which brought
together women from all different churches, denominations, and backgrounds, to
not only worship together as one body and enjoy a time of socializing and
networking over yummy snacks, but everyone pitched in providing for a ton of
gift bags exploding with goodies for these precious women working in the
clubs!  The girls were genuinely excited and appreciative of the gifts,
and all who participated entered the clubs with us in spirit as we loved on the
girls keeping with the Sister to Sister theme that “Every sister is a
rose”.  So I want to give a heartfelt shout out to all the Common Ground
Girls that partnered with My Sister Song in order to bless our sisters in the


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Welcome Spring!

CG Girls,

I don't know about you...but I AM READY for Spring!  :)  Come 'on!   :)

The next CG is coming around the corner.  Are you planning to join us on April 8th at 7pm?   We hope so!

Here are the details:

Will you join us?  Our last CG event in January had 190 women from 24 different churches.  Our biggest one yet!   We are amazed at what God is doing through the women of CG and we can't wait for the next one!   Penrickton Center for Blind Children is an amazing organization.  You can find out more about them here! The items we are collecting are on their much needed list because they use them everyday!

We invite you to the ultimate girl's night with a God focus. Invite, Invite, Invite!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

CommonGround Tee, please?

Who wants a new CG tee?  They are in!!

You can purchase them at the event tomorrow night.  We're offering two colors: black t-shirt w/hot pink lettering or hot pink t-shirt with black lettering.  All have commonground across the front with Girl's Night with a God focus across the back.

Tees will be available for sale in the after party room following the worship portion of our evening.   $12!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Calvary Baptist Church

Isn't God good?

Things always get a little "crazy" the few days leading up to a CG event.  And this little reminder that was delivered today really got my focus back on where it needs to be: Jesus.

Big Shout out to Calvary Baptist Church in Canton, MI!   LeeAnne Young sent these lip gloss pods today from someone at their church.

God is in the details.  And I wouldn't want it any other way.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

CG: sister2sister project update

Staying warm, CG girls?  

Me, too!  I'm sipping a hot mug of coffee and listening to the song Stay Amazed:
"Forever You will stand. Your kingdom has no end. Oh, Holy God I stay amazed. You are so much more than words could ever say.  Oh, Holy God I pour out my praise...on the One who never ceases to amaze me. " 

Our next CG is THIS Friday 7pm at Connection Church...our focus: sister2sister project.   We're collecting items and by faith filling 1000 bags for My Sister Song ( a ministry for women in strip clubs).   We are collecting lip gloss, nail polish, individually wrapped chocolate, lighters and dangle earrings.   

Big SHOUT out to Metro South Church,  Rivers of Living Water and Calvary Baptist Church for taking this sister2sister project back to their churches and promoting it!    AMAZING!

As if that wasn't blessing enough...guess what was delivered today?     

Someone donated 500 lighters to sister2sister project.   Is our God amazing or what?     This particularly touched me since I know for some of us buying lighters has been a source of inner conflict.  Here is my heart on this issue:  I trust the women of My Sister Song (who gave us the list of items) completely.  They are the ones who have been trained specifically to minister to the women in the strip clubs.   Secondly,  the gift bags we are putting together will no doubt show these women who are so far from God they are loved.  But you know what those lighters will show them?  They are accepted.   And they need to feel accepted before they'll receive love.   Just like you and me.  And I don't know about you but I remember where I was when Christ accepted me.  It was a rainy Wednesday night.    

 Where were you ?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Proud of OUR CommonGround Girl!

Hi Girls!   There is starting to be some good buzz about the upcoming CG event on January 28th.  To say we are beyond excited and trusting God like crazy would be an understatement.  More to come next week on that event.

As this Friday is winding down and I am sure most of you are getting ready to get your "weekend on" ... I wanted to take a few minutes and publicly share how proud I am of our CG worship leader,  Christa Alberts

When God began to stir in us thoughts of women coming together from all denominations of Christian faith to not only worship but take His love from the pews to the pavement -- Christa was one of the first to say, "I need to be involved with that...count me in!"   And she has been a CG fixture right in the trenches with us.   Trusting God as he orchestrates a movement of women we could not begin to imagine.

Our CG Girl leaves to record her first worship CD in a few weeks and I can't be more proud of her.   She is trusting God like crazy as He pulls her out of her comfort zone.    Christa shared today on her FB page the following:

"A little over 2 weeks till Boston:) I have been told I need to get the word here goes... I am recording a CD. Almost all songs are originals. I wrote a few and my very talented friend Sonia V wrote a lot of them. She is also my I'm in great hands:) 

I am surrounded by amazing people who stepped up to help me in many know who you are:)  There is no way this could be happening without your help!  I am so thankful for the opportunity. I have amazing musicians playing and amazing family and friends supporting me! Feeling VERY thankful today:)  Thank you God for giving me this opportunity:)

My prayer is that these songs will touch other people's lives and point them to the one true God...just as they have done for me!  That hope might be restored, and God's love will be evident through this project.  I will be giving updates as we go, on the progress and what amazing artists are playing.   The hope is that the CD will be done early Spring.

Christa is a vital part of things at CG.  We are so very, very, very proud of her.  Would you join me in beginning to pray for Christa today?    Please pray for the following:

  • Health for everyone involved..a lot of people have been sick lately.   

  •  Mostly pray that this will be what God wants and will be pleasing to Him. 

  • Wisdom for Christa.

  • That the focus will be on God and not me, or who's playing etc.  

  • Christa desires excellence with the proper focus:) 

THANK YOU, CG girls!   Ain't nothing like a girl who loves God. 



PS-  Christa's worship CD will be available for purchase at the CG event in the spring!