Friday, July 31, 2009

commonground: First Step outreach focus

When we gathered together in May to have our first CG event -- we had no idea what God could be up to ...what would bringing women together (ages 13-114) from different denominations accomplish?

We began to ponder this very question, "What would happen if our passion to serve God developed legs and we carried it to the world -- and changed it?"  If for one evening, we were just girls who loved God - no denominational differences, no ministry agendas, just girls who loved God.

When 150 women showed up from 15 different churches - -we were tickled pink!   To see
multi-generations and churches worshiping one God -- was pretty cool.  Out of that gathering the following has taken place:

  • Someone with a heart to serve women got the push she needed to begin a prayer shawl ministry wherein ladies will gather from all different churches and knit shawls for shut-ins, new moms, etc. This begins in October.  For more info check out our Passion in Action page.

  • A woman attending CG was compelled to give back to a program that helped her in her time of need many years ago.  That program is First Step (program for domestic violence.)

We believe that God has opened a door for First Step to be our first CG outreach focus -- here is how... at our next event on August 28th - we're encouraging everyone to bring one or more of the following items with you when you attend.

  • Hand soap in a pump (full size) 

  • Bar of soap (full size)

  • Deodorant (full size)

  • Hair care products and other supplies for women of color

We'll collect items that evening and deliver them to First Step in Plymouth the following Monday.  This is a great opportunity for you to get the teen girls, women you work with, etc.  involved in collecting -- to help reach out to women who are in great need when they come to First Step.

Women meeting the needs of other women -- how awesome is that? 

For more info on donations please contact Linda Cox at

Friday, July 3, 2009

august 29th commonground worship leader announced!


christa alberts worship leader Aug 09 CommongroundChrista Alberts started singing at a very young age and her love for God and passion for worship through music has been apparent throughout her life.   Church Ministry is also a passion... Christa is currently a vocalist on the Connection Church Worship Team,  serves in tech and was an active part of her young adults leadership team. 

Christa serves as the Creative Arts Assistant  at Connection Church in Canton, MI, where she uses her talents to help create an environment that moves across the barriers people place on their hearts and draw them into a place of openness before God.  She also has been known to dabble in song writing with songs that reflect her faith through any situation.  Christa, her husband Adam, and their 2 year old son Jack, currently live in Westland, MI.