Monday, December 7, 2009

Jan 15th Event: Worship Leader Announced...Holly Brown!

Holly BrownSince singing her first solo in church at the age of four, Holly has maintained an innate love for music and the body of Christ. She recalls her first worship leading experiences in children's church at the age of 12 along-side her now husband, James Brown. From the time they were teenagers, James and Holly have shared a passion to lead people into the presence of God. It is a deep desire of Holly's to see the beautiful diversity of ages, cultures and nations unite in the sole purpose of praising our Lord.  In college Holly studied music ministry and the Spanish language. She has a love and appreciation for any form of artistic expression, and expresses her own through interior and floral designs. 

Native to Texas, Holly and her family of 5 begin their 4th year in Canton, MI where she serves Connection Church alongside her husband. She is a full-time stay at home mother of 2 daughters, ages 5 & 2, and a 4 month old son. She's been married to her best friend and husband for 6 and 1/2 years.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Small Part in a Big Plan by a HUGE God.

Hi Girls! A few weeks ago, we announced the opportunity to serve at ODM -- food pantry located in Canton.  We were jazzed to serve arm and arm with other CG ladies.  How cool is it to play a small part in a big plan by a huge God?   It was VERY cool.  Close to 400 families were served that evening and we enjoyed every minute of it!    Ladies from Connection Church and Northridge came out to serve on commonground. 

Guess what?  We get to do it again!   Please join us on Thursday, December 17th at ODM anytime between 430pm and 8pm.    THANK YOU to all the ladies that came out -  you are awesome!

[caption id="attachment_184" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Tami (CC), Jill (N'Ridge) & Kim (CC)"][/caption]

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

CG OUTREACH: Thursday, Nov 12 !

Ladies,  we'll be meeting tomorrow at Open Door Ministry beginning at 430pm.  Several of you have asked if you can come later at 530pm (after work) and the answer is YES!   We're hoping to pink the place up!                         ODM: 4301 South Lilley Road  Canton, MI 48188

odmoct2009 043

Friday, October 30, 2009

From the Pews to the Pavement

Hi Girls!  We are still hearing awesome things that are happening from the last time we gathered together for CommonGround.   I hope you have your calendars circled, marked, highlighted for Friday, January 15th @ 7pm for our next CG! 

Now that we have two CG gatherings under our belts,  its time for us to let our high heels take us into the community and really show what unity looks like.    In other words,  lets put some action to our passion and change our world!

Open Door Ministry, a food pantry that serves the community of Canton and surrounding areas has almost reached the incredible milestone of giving out 1 million pounds of food to people in need.  A million pounds!!???  Can you believe it?   Thats alot of food!   Steve Darr, the Director of ODM, sent out word this week that they are in need of help on Thursday nights until the remainder of the year.    

Lets throw some PINK around that place and link arm and arm with one another and serve!    We'll leave our denominational differences behind be girls who love God.  


November 12  430pm -730pm

December 17  430pm - 730pm

Various roles need to be filled:
Food Runners, working the Computer Desk, Food Packers, Intake Runners, Cleaning, Radio Support

If you are able to participate in either of  these two events, please email us at  

Lets Pink it up!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

What a Night!


Once again, we were humbled by God moving in the hearts of women last night at CommonGround.   Christa Alberts and the CG worship team did an outstanding job of leading us in worship to our God.   Thank you Christa and team for sharing your gifts with us as you gave them back to God.

Approx 130-140 women attending from 19 different churches donated  12 bins of personal items for women involved with First Step.    The effects of their generosity will be felt by many, many women and families for months to come.

We feel nudged to do it please mark your calendar and join us on Friday, January 15th @ 7pm as we gather again on our commonground.    Lets spend the next few months seeking and growing in the fact that our Father loves us,  He has work for us...
“He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.”   Ephesians 2:10  (msg)

Remember...don't miss it!  Refuse to let fear or ambivalence stop you from serving God.

(photo credit: Jen Karolak)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dear God ...

Dear God....

We've done everything we know to do for this awesome experience you've asked us to enjoy with you called commonground. 

We hope You are pleased.

We hope women are encouraged to draw closer to you and step out in bold creativity to serve your son Jesus.

Only a few more hours, God.   It's kinda not fair that you already know how it went. :)

Did you like it?

--  Alene, Jen, Katy, Nan & Tami 

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

CG *heart* Lowe's


Lowe's in Canton just donated bins and bags for our event on Friday night!   Remember ladies, we'll be collecting the following to help women in domestic abuse situations:






            • Full Size Deodorant

            • Full Size Bars of Soap

            • Full Size Hand Pump Soap

            • Hair Products for women of color

CommonGround is in three days!  Friday 7pm @connection church

Friday, July 31, 2009

commonground: First Step outreach focus

When we gathered together in May to have our first CG event -- we had no idea what God could be up to ...what would bringing women together (ages 13-114) from different denominations accomplish?

We began to ponder this very question, "What would happen if our passion to serve God developed legs and we carried it to the world -- and changed it?"  If for one evening, we were just girls who loved God - no denominational differences, no ministry agendas, just girls who loved God.

When 150 women showed up from 15 different churches - -we were tickled pink!   To see
multi-generations and churches worshiping one God -- was pretty cool.  Out of that gathering the following has taken place:

  • Someone with a heart to serve women got the push she needed to begin a prayer shawl ministry wherein ladies will gather from all different churches and knit shawls for shut-ins, new moms, etc. This begins in October.  For more info check out our Passion in Action page.

  • A woman attending CG was compelled to give back to a program that helped her in her time of need many years ago.  That program is First Step (program for domestic violence.)

We believe that God has opened a door for First Step to be our first CG outreach focus -- here is how... at our next event on August 28th - we're encouraging everyone to bring one or more of the following items with you when you attend.

  • Hand soap in a pump (full size) 

  • Bar of soap (full size)

  • Deodorant (full size)

  • Hair care products and other supplies for women of color

We'll collect items that evening and deliver them to First Step in Plymouth the following Monday.  This is a great opportunity for you to get the teen girls, women you work with, etc.  involved in collecting -- to help reach out to women who are in great need when they come to First Step.

Women meeting the needs of other women -- how awesome is that? 

For more info on donations please contact Linda Cox at

Friday, July 3, 2009

august 29th commonground worship leader announced!


christa alberts worship leader Aug 09 CommongroundChrista Alberts started singing at a very young age and her love for God and passion for worship through music has been apparent throughout her life.   Church Ministry is also a passion... Christa is currently a vocalist on the Connection Church Worship Team,  serves in tech and was an active part of her young adults leadership team. 

Christa serves as the Creative Arts Assistant  at Connection Church in Canton, MI, where she uses her talents to help create an environment that moves across the barriers people place on their hearts and draw them into a place of openness before God.  She also has been known to dabble in song writing with songs that reflect her faith through any situation.  Christa, her husband Adam, and their 2 year old son Jack, currently live in Westland, MI.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

CG: onward we go!

Hi CGer's!

Our very first commonground took place on May 1st and we couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out.  The event itself blew our minds away -- 150 women from 15 different churches!  I mean, seriously -- wow!!!   Our prayer has been that God would be pleased with CG.  We definitely feel encouraged to do the next one!   Thank you to all of  you who prayed and continue to pray for CommonGround (YOU know who you are!!)  Mark your calendars:  Friday, August 28th!

Thank you to all of the girls who volunteered their time the night of CG!   You girls inspire me!

The coolest thing is that 48 hrs later  two different women contacted me and said that God had "nudged" them during CG to step out and do something for Him in ministry.    We are so stoked about that!!  Thats our hope for CG.   Women who love God serving him.

  • Karen McKean said she has a passion to minister to women in prison.   She really felt prompted during CG to explore this more.  Karen attends Connection Church and will be involved with helping to launch a Prison Ministry for Women at her church.  (If you attend Connection,  please see the notice in this week's bulletin for more information.)

  • Linda Cox, also attended CG and felt prompted to create an outreach for something she is very passionate about.  More to follow (hopefully soon on this one!)

A big thank you to Christie Martin who took these pics and sent them into the blog from CG!


[caption id="attachment_94" align="aligncenter" width="426" caption="Kara Spence created this art piece for commonground"]Kara Spence created this art piece for commonground[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_97" align="aligncenter" width="426" caption="Amy Voss opens up the first CG!"]Amy Voss opens up the first CG![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_98" align="aligncenter" width="426" caption="150 women from 15 different churches. Girls who love God."]150 women from 15 different churches.  Girls who love God.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_99" align="aligncenter" width="426" caption="Networking in Ugly Mugs Cafe afterwards."]Networking in Ugly Mugs Cafe afterwards.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_100" align="aligncenter" width="426" caption="Lots of appetizers..."]Lots of appetizers...[/caption]

Saturday, May 2, 2009

One God.

This update will be brief, we'll update more next week...

                                      150 women came to CG!
                                              a great mix of ages!
                                        from 15 different churches!
                                             praising one God!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Behind the scenes....

[caption id="attachment_84" align="aligncenter" width="426" caption="behind the scenes @ CG"]behind the scenes @ CG[/caption]

Monday, April 20, 2009

pink tees, prayer and God

Girls,  commonground will be here in 12 days.  Can you believe just 12 days!!!   Yikes!  I mean...YOWZA!!!  :)

Here are a few updates for you....

Its been so cool to see so many of you get on board with buying CG t-shirts!   Today it was like CG central - lots of calls on the tees and drop-ins to purchase the shirts.   They are in production and we will have all sizes availablefor sale on Sunday at 9am at the WM's counter.  Also this Sunday is the day we wear our pink and wear it proud!! :) 

So many of you have asked how you can help before the event and what we need is PRAYER.   Honestly,  we have no idea what we are doing...we're taking each day as it comes and God has been so faithful to us.   The single greatest need we have "pre-event" is prayer.  

  • Please pray for Amy Voss, as she prepares the worship portion of the evening. 

  • Pray for women who will be at CG -- their hearts focus that their conversations would be sprinkled with creativity and courage.  

  • Pray for God's continued direction and spirit of servanthood to be at the core of our leadership team.  (These girls are rockin' right along side me:   Nancy Barra, Alene Hoffman, Jen Karolak and Katy Reitz)

The vision of commonground is one that we can't claim as our own.  We feel very strongly that we are following His direction.   Jesus.  Period.  By Him, For Him.   Great efforts to serve our communities really don't mean much if they aren't done for the Lord.   Only what is done for the Lord will last.  

How is God preparing you for commonground?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"CG Love"



Jen Karolak shows off the "CG Love" at the Mom to Mom Sale - Send in pics to of you wearing your CG pink tees and we'll post them here!!cgmm

Monday, April 6, 2009

More tees please...

Ladies,  we ordered more commonground tees and they will be here soon!    Tees will be for sale on Sundays at the Women's Kiosk in the mallway at Connection Church and bible study nights.  :)

Big News: Spread the word -- on Sunday, April 26th  we're
all wearing our commonground tees to spread the CG
love during our church services.

Don't delay --get your shirt today.
It's the only way -- okay?

(too much coffee)  :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

passion with legs

The question we have to ask ourselves is this...

What would happen if our passion to serve God developed legs and we carried it to the world --and changed it?


This week I received a phone call from a women who was directed to Connection Church from the Salvation Army for help.   She had a job interview this Saturday (today!) and wanted to know if we had any business clothes for her to wear on  her interview.    A simple email went out to a few women --  and within 48 hrs,  this woman was overwhelmed with an abundance of clothing in her size.   Not just one or two or five outfits, but bags of  clothing! Nice clothes, too -- some still with tags. One of the ladies put this note in with the clothes...girl to girl.

Asking the question again...

What would happen if our passion to serve God developed legs and we carried it to the world --and changed it?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Full Steam Ahead...

We had the opportunity to share about commonground at the Women's Getaway over the weekend and at two bible studies this week.    Its exciting to see women show the commonground love and wear their pink tees around!    So far the response to CG has been great.    Also,  I've met ladies from a few other churches and they are excited to come out and be a part of what God is doing. 

I've had several people ask... what exactly will happen on May 1st?    Here is what the night looks like: 

We'll gather for an hour or so of worship.  Amy Voss is coming in to lead worship for us!   And then we'll move over to a special area at Connection Church...and have a few hours of appetizers and conversation.  Ugly Mugs' Cafe will be open for business if ladies want to buy a specialty coffee. 

The purpose of the evening is for relationships to build for Kingdom purpose.   To give women a chance to network -- I mean hey -- women get together all the time and network to build their careers.   Why not get together to build the Kingdom?    Ladies...all it takes is for one idea to grow legs for a life to change.  Seriously.  

Girls,  please be in prayer for commonground.  That we would walk in wisdom and be true to what we believe are our marching orders from God.  We're stepping out of the boat and need to keep our eyes on Jesus!

If you have any questions about CG or would like to be involved...please contact me at   

Have a great week --

Saturday, March 21, 2009

tees. are. in.


The tees are in for CG.  Very exciting!  They will be on sale at the Friendship Getaway on March 28th.  Saweet!

Friday, March 13, 2009

ramping up -- 50 days until cg!

Plans are in motion for commonground.  Its hard to believe that its only 50 days away!   Jolene Royer --  the experience specialist for commonground is on board and working to make sure our guests feel welcome on May 1st!  If you would like to be a part of the "Experience" team that night please email Jolene at



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Worship Leader announced for commonground's first event!

[caption id="attachment_37" align="aligncenter" width="426" caption="Amy Voss"]Amy Voss[/caption]

Amy Voss has been involved in music her entire life.  While attending college, she was presented with an opportunity to lead worship for a new worship event called "The Well."   Although she had never experienced true worship up until that point in her life, God used her in this and ignited a passion in her.  Amy has been involved in many different roles in church worship ministries and is also a guest worship leader for conferences and events.  Amy and her husband, Frank, and  5 year old Jaeden, currently live in Grand Rapids, MI.  They are very involved at Mars Hill Bible Church.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

65 days and counting...

Its hard to believe that our first event is just 65 days a way.   Much work to be done!   It has been really cool to see women get excited about attaching themselves to commonground.   Honestly, we are quite blown away by favor that can only come from God.  We are so thankful!!  A few meetings took place today to share the vision of commonground -- and it was met with great feedback, insight and encouragement.    Trusting God like crazy and moving forward!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

commonground...coming soon!

We're excited beyond belief at what we think God is doing in the hearts of women at our church. 
We can't help but think He is doing the same thing in other churches.

commonground is coming.  

don't miss it.