Tuesday, April 26, 2011

From the pews to the pavement...

If you hang around CG Girls you'll hear this quite often, " We want to take God's love from the pews to the pavement."  I received two contacts this week that made me smile big and think just that!

We heard from Patricia from Penrickton Center for Blind Children... she writes...
Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for your kind donations of baby wipes, carnation instant cereal and hot cereal  to our center.  Your gift represents a vote of confidence in the programs and services we provide to children who are legally blind with at least one additional disability.

Springtime always seems to be a time for optimism for all of us here at Penrickton Center.  From an infectious smile to the twinkle in their eyes, we know that we have made a difference in helping our children overcome the obstacles that they face each day.  Every day our children seize life for all of its different joys and wonders.

Again, I want to thank you for helping our children thrive and live life to the fullest.   Thank you for the wonderful evening and for all you have done for our children!

Isn't that the coolest?    And remember My Sister Song?  The ministry we helped in January?    Women who attended that event, contacted MSS to come to their church and do training to start an outreach to dancers there.  Isn't that awesome?!!

Girls, God is using our events to spread His love from the pews to the pavement.

Lets continue to trust Him for Big Things ... not just probable things ...but GOD SIZE HUGE THINGS!

Shine brightly this week....where ever God has you!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Event: Recap!

A CG girl just twittered out we have snow coming.  Really?

As much as I love April in Michigan...I love CG girls more!!   In case you missed what happened at our last event a few weeks ago...and really...why did you miss?   Please mark this down: Friday, July 15th 7pm - commonground!!

Once again, God worked through CG Girls who brought over 4000 items for Penrickton Center for Blind Children!  AMAZINGLY generous, girls!  Seriously.  God looks so good on you!

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Friday, April 15, 2011

commonground roll call: 32 churches!

Our event on Friday, April 8th was amazing!  I could list 100 different reasons why but I'll start with the first 32...(in no particular order)

  1. Bethel Baptist

  2. Dearborn Free Methodist

  3. Northridge

  4. 1st Baptist

  5. Connection Church

  6. Church of Jesus Christ Belleville

  7. Metro South

  8. Community Baptist

  9. Southpoint CCC

  10. Rivers of Living Water

  11. His House Christian Fellowship (EMU/UM)

  12. Wallace Street Full Gospel

  13. First Assembly of God Chelsea

  14. St.Mary's Wayne

  15. South Redford Christian Church

  16. Fair Haven Baptist

  17. Life Church

  18. Kensington

  19. Vineyard

  20. Metropolitian Tabernacle

  21. Mosiac

  22. Westland Shekinah Glory Ministries

  23. STAB  Catholic Canton

  24. Calvary Baptist Church

  25. Huron Hills

  26. United Lutheran Church

  27. Plymouth Nazerene

  28. St. Michael Livonia

  29. Parkside Church of Christ

  30. Sturgis Baptist

  31. Woodland

  32. NW Church of Christ - Detroit

Our most diverse crowd yet,  close to 200 women ages 13- 75 -- gathered together to worship the One, True, Living God!

CG girls are spreading the word -- what I loved most is we had 5 women who aren't plugged into a local church.  They are trying to find their spot just like all of us at one time.    We hope CG will be a safe place for women to come, get involved with taking God's love from the pews to the pavement and meet some fantastic women.

Were you at CG?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

CG pregame.

Hi.  It's me again...and yes, I have coffee.  ;)

We're in CG pregame mode and let me tell you ... its never any different.   We are filled with an anxiousness of expectation of what God might choose to do in and through CG girls tomorrow night.

And please don't ever doubt this:  we all have a keen awareness of the responsibility God has entrusted us with -- I can honestly tell you...this doesn't leave my mind...like ever.

The CG worship team practiced the other night and I was able to snap some pics -- they are ready! As I tap this keyboard a CG girl is setting up the candles in the auditorium.  In about 3 hrs men will be coming to move chairs and we'll begin transforming the after party room for you.  Tomorrow morning,  CG girls will be gathering to finish set up and get everything "just so"...

Do you feel prepared for?  I hope so.

Our hearts purpose is to serve God through serving you.   We hope it shows.

See you tomorrow night?  7pm?  Hmmmm ?


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And it starts...

Girls, here we go!   A CG girl dropped these off to me yesterday.   Sweet!!   We're collecting:

  • Baby Wipes

  • Carnation Instant Breakfast

  • Maypo or Malt O Meal Hot breakfast cereals

All of these items will be going to Penrickton Center for Blind Children in Taylor, MI.   Come out to commonground: Girl's Night with a God focus this Friday night in Canton, MI!    It all starts at 7pm and ends with an amazing after party complete with giveaways and Starbucks coffee bar,  great appetizers AND you'll meet some of the most fantastic women from Metro Detroit EVER!

Sunday, April 3, 2011