Friday, October 30, 2009

From the Pews to the Pavement

Hi Girls!  We are still hearing awesome things that are happening from the last time we gathered together for CommonGround.   I hope you have your calendars circled, marked, highlighted for Friday, January 15th @ 7pm for our next CG! 

Now that we have two CG gatherings under our belts,  its time for us to let our high heels take us into the community and really show what unity looks like.    In other words,  lets put some action to our passion and change our world!

Open Door Ministry, a food pantry that serves the community of Canton and surrounding areas has almost reached the incredible milestone of giving out 1 million pounds of food to people in need.  A million pounds!!???  Can you believe it?   Thats alot of food!   Steve Darr, the Director of ODM, sent out word this week that they are in need of help on Thursday nights until the remainder of the year.    

Lets throw some PINK around that place and link arm and arm with one another and serve!    We'll leave our denominational differences behind be girls who love God.  


November 12  430pm -730pm

December 17  430pm - 730pm

Various roles need to be filled:
Food Runners, working the Computer Desk, Food Packers, Intake Runners, Cleaning, Radio Support

If you are able to participate in either of  these two events, please email us at  

Lets Pink it up!