Thursday, December 23, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Worship Leader Announced for CG Jan 28, 2011!
We have some exciting news...two parts actually. Our CG worship leader, Christa Alberts is making a worship CD! We are so proud of her and we'll be making it available at CG events starting in the spring. It is highly likely that Christa will be out of town recording her CD in January. Christa and I put our heads and hearts together and are pleased to announce the worship leader for our CG event on January 28, 2011... Brittany Ball.
Brittany Ball, 26, is the wife of Bryan Ball, the Director of Student Ministries at Connection Church. Born and raised in Macomb County, Michigan, Brittany and Bryan, along with their puppy Porkchop, moved to Canton in the summer of 2010. Brittany is a graduate of the University of Michigan and is currently employed as an elementary teacher in Macomb County for Romeo Community Schools.
Brittany has been leading worship with her husband for the past four years. She has been singing in church since she was three years old. Brittany's main influences include Kari Jobe, Christy Nockels, and Hillsong United. She hopes that God speaks to you through the songs chosen for that night the way that He speaks to her through them.
(You can check out Brittany singing the National Anthem here!)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
sister2sister project
CG girls are you ready???
Mark your calendar for Friday, January 28th - we'll be gathering for our next event and yes....we will be taking the love of God from the pews to the pavement. Details? I'm glad you asked:
For our outreach spotlight at January's event we'll be partnering with a fantastic ministry, My Sister Song. MSS is a faith-based outreach and support group for women in the sex industry in the Detroit Metro area. Their mission is helping women understand their great value to God and their ability to impact others around them for generations to come through their stories.
Girls, check this out...
Did you notice the gift bags the women of MSS were taking with them to the clubs in the video?
Girls, this is how we are going to take God's love from the pews to the pavement...with sister2sister project!
CommonGround will be purchasing a 1000 bags for January's event. Yes, a 1000! Training wheels off, no?
We're asking that you bring in 5 items (dangle earrings, nail polish, lip gloss, lighter, and a piece of individually wrapped chocolate). Now don't be shy...get your churches, youth groups, workplace, soccer moms, involved with this dynamic outreach. A church contacted me last week and said, "We'll be in for 100 of each item." Another church called me today and said, "We're bringing 25 earrings. " Don't you love it?
Churches linking arm-and-arm to show girls who are far from God that they matter.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Takin' it from the pews to the pavement!
It was A M A Z I N G !!
Our spotlight was "Meeting the Need Providing the Feed" with the hope to provide ODM Food Bank with a bunch of can goods to help with the holiday season coming up. CommonGround Girls did not disappoint! Many families were touched by the women of CG. That is pretty sweet!
CG girls, if you are looking for a place to serve in our community this holiday season...please consider serving at Open Door Ministry in Canton, Michigan. ODM provides a wonderful opportunity for you to serve on Thursday nights from 430pm - 8pm. You can't go wrong with continuing the conversation that started at this CG.
In the next few days, I'll be sharing with you about sister2sister project for January 2011. If you have a heart for women who are far from won't want to miss the next post! Stay tuned !
Here are some highlights from the last CG:
- 120 women gathered
- 20 different churches were represented (all time high for CG)
- 1056 items were collected to meet the need by providing the feed!
[caption id="attachment_338" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Steve & Jackie Darr fit all that food into their van! "]
(photo credits: Autumn Thornsberry & Kim Ryan)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Meet the Need – Providing the Feed
I did a double take when l just glanced at my calendar. Its O C T O B E R 1st already! Can you believe it?
We're getting ready for our sixth CG in just 15 days! We're pretty stoked about helping Open Door Ministry fill their pantry with canned goods for the winter months.
We invite you to Meet the Need & Provide the Feed with us on Friday, October 15th at 7pm at Connection Church. We'll be celebrating God with dynamic worship from Christa Alberts and our CG band, and then we'll have some fun at an after party complete with a Coffee Bar (free Starbucks!), appetizers, and GIVEAWAYS! You'll see some new faces and catch up with some old friends.
Our giveaways won't disappoint! Smart CommonGround girls will be sure to fill out a registration form as soon as they walk into the event! That could be your ticket to win it!!
- Have you tried Tastefully Simple products yet? Delish, sisters, DELISH! Dalina Stephens, a TS consultant has graciously donated a basketful of Tastefully Simple Product. You can check out the Tastefully Simple Product Line right here!!
- A hot pink winter scarf with $10 Starbucks gift card! Who wouldn't want to show some pink love while sipping a pumpkin' spice latte?
- Gable Chiropractic (Belleville, MI) is donating a free examination, Xrays if necessary, and 1st adjustment !
I've been at a conference this week on having a life of service. I've really enjoyed the sessions on outreach to the community. I have to be honest...I've had a blast bragging on this fantastic group of commonground girls from a bunch of different churches who gather together to worship their God, and who are jazzed about taking His love from the pews to the pavement. Yeah, that would be YOU!
We believe that 2011 will be an unbelievable year for CG girls! We're getting direction to trust God for Big Things in 2011. We're going to be stretched, challenged and encouraged to love who God loves. Are you ready?
We'll see you in just 15 days. Invite some friends, grab some cans/boxes of food and let's do this!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Girls Who Love God!
Only God.
We were blown away by the outpouring of love you showed Friday night. 130 backpacks (yep, 130!) filled with school supplies were donated that evening to St.Mary's Back to School Fair. Unbelievable. CommonGround girls, you continue to make me look toward heaven with an overflowing heart of gratitude to thank our Father for you.
[wpvideo rcBTIZ45]
Big Shout out to the following churches in attendance: Cornerstone, Calvary Baptist Church, Memorial Church of Christ, Revival Tabernacle, Cross Pointe, St. Thomas, Connection Church, Rivers of Living Water, Metro South, Northridge, St. Mary's, and Geneva Presbyterian! Leaving our differences at the door and gathering in unity to worship the One True Living God!
See you in October, girlfriends!!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Projectbackpack in full swing!
He is starting to perk some bubbalicious excitement around here...and we love it!!
There is still plenty of time to go out and grab a backpack (please pay for it...stealing...would probably not be so cool :) ) and fill it with these six items: ruler, glue sticks, notebook, 24pk of crayons, pencils and colored pencils.
We'll be taking these backpacks to St. Mary's Community Outreach. They'll be giving them to kids who attend their "BACK to SCHOOL" fair in August.
As someone put it so clearly earlier..."Every kid deserves to start school with school supplies."
Yep, we agree.
Even more than that -- every kid deserves the opportunity to know that Jesus loves them. By meeting this need CommonGround girls can help show them.
Thank you girls for taking the love of Jesus from the pews to the pavement. A life of service to the Lord is about the coolest thing anyone can do with their life.
(photo credit: Christie Martin)
Friday, June 25, 2010
project backpack
I was pretty excited today when I saw that we have our FIRST backpack donated for our outreach spotlight on July 16th. Very, Very cool! I have heard through the momsknowbest grapevine that after July 4th stores will have an abundant array for backpacks to choose from.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Outreach Focus for July 16 event: backpackproject!
To say we are excited to announce our next outreach focus would be an understatement.
We contacted St. Mary's Community Outreach Center in Wayne, Mi and have the amazing opportunity to be a part of something they do each year. Check this out:
In August, St. Mary's hosts a Back To School Fair. The purpose for this fair is to help children in need get ready for school. They provide each pre-registered child the following: hair cut, dental exam, school physical, and a backpack loaded with school supplies. Everything a child needs to be ready to go back to school.
Is that stinkin' cool or what? Several churches from the surrounding communities come together to make this happen. After connecting to the people leading this outreach at St. Mary's it was clear that this was a focus where CG girls could show God's love for these kids in a very practical way. To show God's love outside the church walls.
Girls...check this out...
On July 16th, when we gather together to celebrate God at our next CG gathering we will be collecting the following:
- Backpack (for preschool - 6th grade) filled with:
- 12pk pencils, notebook, colored pencils, 24pk crayons, glue sticks and a ruler!
Our hope is to supply enough backpacks for every child who comes to the back to school fair in August.
This is the time to get your women's ministry, work peeps, small groups, youth groups, children's ministry, card clubs, (you know...the people you do life with) involved with this very special project.
We can't wait to see what God does through this very special outreach.
Amazing things happen when we trust God like crazy...will you join us?
We love you girls!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Project Little Lamb Success!
(Photo credit: Alexis Rizkallah)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
CG event: Friday, April 16th!
To bring you up to speed:
Christa Alberts is back! With the CG Band in tow, Christa will be leading us in worship that evening. To find out more about Christa... read here. You can follow Christa on twitter, too!
Our outreach focus is PROJECT LITTLE LAMB ! We are collecting diapers, wipes and formula for the AAA Pregnancy Resource Center in Livonia, MI. Showing the Love of God by meeting needs right as they happen. Very exciting to be involved with such a great ministry to women with unexpected pregnancies.
We're celebrating spring by painting our toes pink and wearing flip flops or sandals that night!
As always we pray that God would be honored by this event and people would know Him through the hands and feet of commonground girls.
See you Friday at 7pm!!
Editors Note: I forgot to mention...we'll be serving Starbucks coffee that night! Also...we're giving away: 1 Shelly Bag w/ two shells; 1 30 minute massage and two movie passes from Emagine! Grab a girlfriend and come on out!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
"Students for Life" donate to Project Little Lamb
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Photographer for CG: 4/16 event!
Alexis Rizkallah is...
...and we're excited to announce that she is the official photographer for our April 16th event.
Alexis writes on her Facebook page:
"Mature enough to understand, mature enough not to judge. Best friend, boyfriend, my family is cool too. I have a handful of good friends, and a gecko. Sunshine, flip-flops and slurpee's make me happy. So does making new friends, and people who can hold a good conversation. I'm a good kid with a good heart. I've been told I'm an encourager, and easy to talk to. I'm here anytime you need me, whether we talk all the time or not. I'm going to be something wonderful."
Alexis, we think you ALREADY are something wonderful! Welcome to CG!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Project Little Lamb
Girls, we've missed you! We can't wait to see you. Our next commonground is right around the corner....Friday, April 16 7pm at Connection Church.
We have been given an opportunity to help spread awareness of how important all life is to God by helping the AAA Pregnancy Resource Center in Livonia.
We invite you to participate in PROJECT LITTLE LAMB!
Lets not keep the good vibe of helping others to ourselves...please invite other women in your life to come out to CG in April. Let the ladies you do life with know about CG and Project Little Lamb.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Homeless Helped in Westland, thank you!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Undercover Project
commonground is coming to Connection Church on Friday, Jan 15th @ 7pm.
What is CG?
- A cross denominational gathering of women ages 13-115
- Worshiping one God.
- Enjoying conversation over fantastic appetizers
CG is the ultimate girl night with a God focus.
Each CG has an external focus and this event is no different. We'll be launching our Undercover Project. It's simple...we want to get as many homeless people undercover as possible. We're collecting blankets (gently used and new) and socks (preferably men's tube socks) that evening. All items will be given to the Lighthouse Mission Warming Center in Westland, Michigan.
Our Goal: 500 blankets!
It's just not "blanket-hating" Grandma who wants you to give up your blankie... :)
Bring them in that evening or into the church office M - F, 9am - 4pm this week before the event. The blankets/socks will be delivered that evening to the warming center.
"I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me --- you did it to me. " Matt 25:40 (MSG)