It was A M A Z I N G !!
Our spotlight was "Meeting the Need Providing the Feed" with the hope to provide ODM Food Bank with a bunch of can goods to help with the holiday season coming up. CommonGround Girls did not disappoint! Many families were touched by the women of CG. That is pretty sweet!
CG girls, if you are looking for a place to serve in our community this holiday season...please consider serving at Open Door Ministry in Canton, Michigan. ODM provides a wonderful opportunity for you to serve on Thursday nights from 430pm - 8pm. You can't go wrong with continuing the conversation that started at this CG.
In the next few days, I'll be sharing with you about sister2sister project for January 2011. If you have a heart for women who are far from won't want to miss the next post! Stay tuned !
Here are some highlights from the last CG:
- 120 women gathered
- 20 different churches were represented (all time high for CG)
- 1056 items were collected to meet the need by providing the feed!
[caption id="attachment_338" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Steve & Jackie Darr fit all that food into their van! "]
(photo credits: Autumn Thornsberry & Kim Ryan)
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