I did a double take when l just glanced at my calendar. Its O C T O B E R 1st already! Can you believe it?
We're getting ready for our sixth CG in just 15 days! We're pretty stoked about helping Open Door Ministry fill their pantry with canned goods for the winter months.
We invite you to Meet the Need & Provide the Feed with us on Friday, October 15th at 7pm at Connection Church. We'll be celebrating God with dynamic worship from Christa Alberts and our CG band, and then we'll have some fun at an after party complete with a Coffee Bar (free Starbucks!), appetizers, and GIVEAWAYS! You'll see some new faces and catch up with some old friends.
Our giveaways won't disappoint! Smart CommonGround girls will be sure to fill out a registration form as soon as they walk into the event! That could be your ticket to win it!!
- Have you tried Tastefully Simple products yet? Delish, sisters, DELISH! Dalina Stephens, a TS consultant has graciously donated a basketful of Tastefully Simple Product. You can check out the Tastefully Simple Product Line right here!!
- A hot pink winter scarf with $10 Starbucks gift card! Who wouldn't want to show some pink love while sipping a pumpkin' spice latte?
- Gable Chiropractic (Belleville, MI) is donating a free examination, Xrays if necessary, and 1st adjustment !
I've been at a conference this week on having a life of service. I've really enjoyed the sessions on outreach to the community. I have to be honest...I've had a blast bragging on this fantastic group of commonground girls from a bunch of different churches who gather together to worship their God, and who are jazzed about taking His love from the pews to the pavement. Yeah, that would be YOU!
We believe that 2011 will be an unbelievable year for CG girls! We're getting direction to trust God for Big Things in 2011. We're going to be stretched, challenged and encouraged to love who God loves. Are you ready?
We'll see you in just 15 days. Invite some friends, grab some cans/boxes of food and let's do this!!
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tami , commonground. commonground said: Girls taking God's love from the pews to the pavement. Join us? Meet the Need – Providing the Feed: http://t.co/7Trmc5r [...]
ReplyDeleteI am sssoooo READY!!! I LOVE the CG"S!!!!!! We will be bringing lots of FOOD for the children as we LOVE to bring food for the kid's as we go to food bank too we will bring lot's & lot's of food for the children!!!!! Are you ready? Say YES!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGod is sure to give us all directions to go and love on HIS people in ways we haven't even considered yet. How exciting! Tammy, you are a Wonderful inspiration and leader to follow our Lord. Thanks from the bottom of my heart!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMeijer brand sale this week!