To bring you up to speed:
Christa Alberts is back! With the CG Band in tow, Christa will be leading us in worship that evening. To find out more about Christa... read here. You can follow Christa on twitter, too!
Our outreach focus is PROJECT LITTLE LAMB ! We are collecting diapers, wipes and formula for the AAA Pregnancy Resource Center in Livonia, MI. Showing the Love of God by meeting needs right as they happen. Very exciting to be involved with such a great ministry to women with unexpected pregnancies.
We're celebrating spring by painting our toes pink and wearing flip flops or sandals that night!
As always we pray that God would be honored by this event and people would know Him through the hands and feet of commonground girls.
See you Friday at 7pm!!
Editors Note: I forgot to mention...we'll be serving Starbucks coffee that night! Also...we're giving away: 1 Shelly Bag w/ two shells; 1 30 minute massage and two movie passes from Emagine! Grab a girlfriend and come on out!!
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Connection Church and Tami , commonground. commonground said: what's missing? worship, pink tees, pink toes, helping girls in need, appies, free starbuxcoffee== YOU ! 4/16 @comgro [...]