TWENTY THIRTEEN is here and we have some fantastic news to share! Kara Spence will be sharing the Word of God with us at our next event and we couldn't be more excited. Kara is a dynamic voice in this generation and you will be encouraged and challenged to chase harder after Christ after listening to her. Bring ears to hear! Kara has a passion for teenagers, if you have any in your sphere of influence this is a great opportunity to invite them. We want to fill this place next week! You can read more about Kara below.
We'll be collecting items ( Bed Pillows, Shower Curtains and Cleaning Supplies) for the Faith Recovery Center in Lincoln Park that evening. Along with the CG Worship Band, we'll have 15 giveaways in celebration of our 15th CG!, and the fantastic after party will be in full swing with coffee/cocoa bar and appetizers galore! See you at 7pm - Connection Church - 3855 Sheldon Rd Canton, MI 48188
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Kara Spence is a full time student currently working on her Masters of Divinity in Theology with the goal of a PhD in Apologetics. She is passionate about teenagers and has been a youth leader and mentor to teenage girls for the past decade. Raised in both England and the US as well as gaining a 3 year Pastoral Leadership Diploma in Australia has a passion for travel and sharing the gospel to various cultures. She is currently developing a program for teenagers to overcome their struggle with depression and plans to write theological books for teenagers to grasp the deep truth of the Word in a simple way in the near future.
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