Wednesday, January 30, 2013

In Christ



Kara Spence shared the Word with us at Friday's event and many of you asked for the list of scripture that she used in her message.    This is a great dose of  Truth in a world that offers a non-stop offering of counterfeit.

Rom 3:24 – In Christ I am justified as a gift of His grace

Rom 6:3-4 – In Christ I have died to the power of sin over my life and have been raised into a newness of life

Rom 6:11 – In Christ I am alive

Rom 6:23 – In Christ I have eternal life

Rom 8:1 – In Christ I now cannot be condemned

Rom 8:2 – In Christ I am set free from the death that comes from sin

Rom 8:10 – In Christ my spirit is alive with righteousness

Rom 8:11 – In Christ the same Spirit that rose Jesus’ dead body from the grave lives powerfully inside of me!

Rom 8:39 – In Christ the love of God is in me, a love that cannot ever be separated from me

Rom 12:5 – In Christ we are all part of one body and belong together with each other in unity

Rom 15:17 – In Christ we now have a reason to boast because God is so incredible to us!

1 Cor 1:4 – In Christ I have the grace of God in me

1 Cor 1:30 – In Christ I have wisdom, righteousness, sanctification (set apart as pure and holy), and redemption

1 Cor 15:22 – In Christ I will be made alive

2 Cor 2:14 – In Christ I will always be led in triumph

2 Cor 5:17 – In Christ I am a new creature, my old life is completely passed away and I live in new life

Gal 2:16 – In Christ I am saved because of faith and not the religious rituals of the old law

Gal 3:14 – In Christ all of God’s promises are fulfilled

Gal 3:26 – In Christ we all become His children

Gal 3:27 – In Christ He has clothed me with Himself, I am not exposed the Savior of the world covers me!

Gal 3:28 – In Christ no one is better than the other, we are all equally valued

Eph 1:3 – In Christ I have been blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places!

Eph 1:10-11 – In Christ everything is complete and I have a massive inheritance waiting for me

Eph 2:6 – In Christ I have been given a position of honor with Him, I have been seated with Him in the heavenly places!

Eph 2:7 – In Christ I am given the riches of God’s grace and kindness

Eph 2:10 – In Christ I am created for good works that God has already prepared for me, I don’t have to do anything but just walk in them

Eph 2:13 – In Christ I am no longer distant from God but have been brought in close to Him

Eph 3:6 – In Christ even the outcasts are accepted as God’s own!

Eph 4:32 – In Christ I am forgiven

Phil 2:1 – In Christ I find encouragement, consolation by His love, fellowship with the Spirit, affection and compassion

Phil 3:9 – In Christ I don’t have a righteousness of my own, I have His righteousness instead!

Phil 4:7 – In Christ I have peace that cannot even be comprehended which protects my heart and mind

Phil 4:19 – In Christ ALL of my needs are met because of the riches of His glory

Col 1:4 – In Christ I can cultivate an atmosphere of love for others

1 Thess 5:18 – In Christ I can be thankful

1 Tim 1:14 – In Christ I find an abundance of grace and faith and love

2 Tim 1:9 – In Christ I find the grace that God has been preparing for me from the very beginning, I was prepared for!

2 Tim 2:1 – In Christ I find salvation and eternal glory


  1. Thank you Kara...You were spectacular in your speaking. I know you took a lot of time searching these verses, I will be reading them daily & keeping you in thought & pray.
