On March 4th, CGgirls launched a 60 day Prayer Challenge called Brave Girl Boots. It's been so rewarding to see God move in and through women's hearts and hands. If you've participated, you've been brave. Beautifully, brave. It's hard to believe just over a week remains of this challenge. We've been praying daily for God to plant a seed of vision.
Why are we surprised when He answers our prayers? I believe He planted one in me on day three...turn this BGB challenge into a published devotional book. I shared with my husband and we began to pray. What we believe as confirmation came the next day and two more times over the next week. Honestly, I feel the same mix of scared confidence that I felt when God asked me to start CommonGround (CGgirls). At that time, I prayed Acts 5:39 "But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God." And God has shown His power in such huge ways through CG, I know in my heart-of-hearts He put the vision of CG in my heart and head.
Here I sit again. A seed of vision planted with no provision for it. What do brave girls do? Do we play it safe and ignore it? Nope. We get those boots out, put them on and move forward in the knowledge they have. Yep, I'm praying Acts 5:39 again and drinking ALOT of hot coffee.
We plan on securing the funding for publication through a three-week fundraising campaign selling t-shirts online. We need to sell 200 shirts to cover the cost of publishing. The fundraising campaign starts on Monday, April 21. The shirts will say, "Keep calm and put your brave girl boots on" with a cute pair of boots on it. (Big shout out to Christa Alberts for making my idea come to life in graphic form).
If you've been encouraged by BGB or believe in the work God is doing through CGgirls, I hope you'll do three things:
1. Pray. This vision is huge. The purpose? Encourage women everywhere to be brave. One page at a time.
2. Buy a shirt. $20 plus s/h. (I'll send you the link as soon as its live on April 21st. Not only for yourself, but for anyone you know that needs a reminder to be brave. Not only are you helping to fund this book, but you get a cute shirt, too! Shirts will be shipped at the end of the three week campaign, if our goal of 200 is reached. You will not be charged for a shirt if the campaign doesn't meet its goal.
3. As soon as its launched, help us spread the word through FB, Twitter, Email, YDTS (yell down the street!) I believe if we do our part by getting the word out, God will do His part.
It's a blast walking with Jesus, isn't it? I can't tell you how much I appreciate each and every one of you. You've championed the work God has done through CG from the start, we believe this is the next step. We'll keep walking until we know differently. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
For Him,

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