As I write this we have that many days until we gather on our common ground. Honestly, it can't come fast enough for me.
We are finalizing all the details, announcing them soon.
Very excited ya'll! Seriously.
The last few weeks this scripture has been jumping out at me from behind every bush that comes along my path.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
I'm discovering that trying to live a life worthy of the call of Jesus ( 2 Thes 1:11 // With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. ) can only happen if I remain in God.
And my natural default is to NOT do that. I'm more of the let me see how this goes and I'll get back to you Jesus if I need help. Anyone else?
If I don't keep myself on a short leash, I easily slip into self-sufficiency.
I heard this statement today, "If God seeds us with vision, we are able in Christ. "
Not able alone, but able in Christ.
Confession, I have been too safe with the seed of vision God has given me.
What about you?
I'm going to put my brave girl boots on, lean into God desperately, and pray like crazy.
Will you join me? Beginning on March 4, 2014 we are beginning a 60 day challenge.
Brave Girl Boots! 60 Day Challenge:
1. Pray daily for God to plant a seed of vision for your life.
2. Pray daily for the Holy Spirit to give you the sensitivity to see a need you can fill THAT day.
3. Pray daily for the bravery to act on it.
Are you in? Let us know by filling out the form below. You'll receive a special enews each day of the 60 day challenge.
I believe that vision breeds vision. We want you to share with us what God shows you during the Brave Girl Boots! 60 Day Challenge.
CGgirls, lets hold our differences loosely and love each other fiercely. Lets major on the things that matter... Jesus and people.
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