Thursday, October 3, 2013

I Didn't Know.

"I didn't know. "

As I continue to walk out my journey towards heaven, I'm learning a lot.   Mostly,  I'm learning that I have no idea what people are going through.   The quote,  " Everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind to everyone."  needs to be sandblasted on my head and heart.

It's true.  It's so true.

Did you know that October is National Infant Loss Month?    Me neither.    "I didn't know."

Well, I'm discovering that many, many, many women DO know.    They have been asked to carry a working knowledge of a wound so deep that some days they think they may drown from it.     Chances are you have a woman in your sphere of influence that is carrying that wound.    In fact,  if I was a betting kinda gal, I'd put my money on it.

Just the other day, I was sharing with a volunteer at Connection Church about our next CG outreach:  Jack's Day The Giving Project.   She mentioned to me that many, many decades ago she gave birth to two stillborn twin daughters.   Her confession took me off guard.

"I didn't know. "  

So,  what do we do with this?   We do what we know to do and that's gather on our commonground.    God has been so gracious to bless each of our events with an outpouring of His generous spirit.  As we walk in unity with one purpose and for ONE LIVING GOD,  fantastic God-sized things happen.

CommonGround!  This is where you need to be on Friday, October 25th at 7pm.     We are going to take God's love from the pews to the pavement.   How?   We're going to bless and by bless I mean: LOAD, Emily Hughes  THE FOUNDER of Jack's Day the Giving Project UP with the following items:

photo (9)

              • Disposable Cameras

              • Journal

              • Votive Holder with Votive

              • Purse size Kleenex

Emily will take these items, box them up in pretty boxes and give them to local hospitals in Metro Detroit.   In the near future, those boxes will find their way into the trembling hands of  broken-hearted women.

Will you be an instrument that God can use?    This is a great way to minister to these broken-hearted women and in a real sense,  wash them from their foreheads to their feet with a cup of grace,  a cup of comfort and a cup of compassion.

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