Thursday, July 19, 2012

Extraordinary life? Yes, please! Pick me!

Hello CGgirls!

We have some catching up to grab a seat and let's do what girlfriends do...

How are you?   I hope you are reminded today what a wonderfully made woman you are.   Even if you don't "feel" it... you are.    Who says?  He does.   In fact, God says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.    Maybe you needed that reminder today.   I know I did.

You know what I've been thinking lately?   I've been thinking about how God invites us into a story (His by the way) that is so stinkin' more exciting then the one we would have created for ourselves.   I saw this and thought... yeah.. that's perfect!

I'm so thankful  God calls us to do things that are "other focused" and  "out of our comfort zones"  it makes life so much more of an adventure.    Who needs normal?  :)

Here are some highlights of what's going on in and through CGgirls:

  • I had the tremendous honor to serve and speak at a Women's Retreat for the wonderful ladies of  Allen Park Nazarene.  What a fantastic group of women!    I've never seen such an atmosphere of bonding and great community.  It was so great to share God's Word with them.  Upon arrival I was told, "These ladies won't run from Truth, so if you bring Truth, you'll do just fine."  WOW - they were not lying.   I love this group of ladies -- and to top it off - they are coming to the next CG on Friday, July 27th!   They said their goal is to bring 27 ladies on the 27th!    Meet my new friends:  
    Speaking of our next CG event (can you believe, its our 13th!!!)  So excited to be partnering with Hope 4 Western Wayne County.   CGgirls are walking by faith and have committed to bringing 1000, (yes, you read correctly - don't rub your eyes you'll ruin your makeup) O N E T H O U S A N D school supply kits.  We've got a big God and we believe very strongly that where you find unity, you find power.   Women from all over Metro Detroit will be coming to the next CG event (Friday, July 27th 7pm)  and bringing with them the following:  Glue sticks, No. 2 pencil packs, 24 pk of crayons, pack of washable markers and 2 pocket folders.    Wanta join the fun?  Who doesn't!  :)    Apparently we aren't alone in this:

    A big shout out to the fine folks at Ask-Services for collecting school supplies for our outreach!

A box of school supplies mysteriously showed up in my office last night.  CGgirls are wildly generous!  Love, Love, Love seeing God's activity in your lives!

If you are available on Saturday, August 18th and would love to serve during this crazy good day of outreach called HOPE 4 Western Wayne County - they could use your tender hearts that day.  Or maybe your heart could us some tendering?
Over 5000 families are being invited to participate in a day (in Westland, MI) that includes: groceries, health fair, Kids Zone, a BBQ Lunch, family portraits, hair cuts, school supply kits, and live entertainment.  

Sign Up to serve that day!

  • Remember our PCL girls?  Project Crazy Love?   We adopted 14 girls in foster care for Christmas last year and God absolutely blew our minds with providing over 1,100 gifts for them.   Well, we're continuing the conversation with our monthly PCL Birthday Club.  We go to their home bringing birthday love each month:

    We would love for you to get involved with this monthly outreach!  You can stop by the CGgirls: Serve! table at the afterparty to find out more info!

    Who wants a normal life?  Not us!   

    We're excited about Friday Night.  I hope you call a girlfriend or two and bring them along with you.  We'll have dynamic live worship, giveaways, an afterparty with great appetizers, coffee/cocoa bar - all free!     We call it a Girl's Night with a God Focus.  Be there?

    With deep appreciation & affection,


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