Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And it starts...

Girls, here we go!   A CG girl dropped these off to me yesterday.   Sweet!!   We're collecting:

  • Baby Wipes

  • Carnation Instant Breakfast

  • Maypo or Malt O Meal Hot breakfast cereals

All of these items will be going to Penrickton Center for Blind Children in Taylor, MI.   Come out to commonground: Girl's Night with a God focus this Friday night in Canton, MI!    It all starts at 7pm and ends with an amazing after party complete with giveaways and Starbucks coffee bar,  great appetizers AND you'll meet some of the most fantastic women from Metro Detroit EVER!


  1. If you EVER get the chance to tour Penrickton Center for Blind Children, GO! It is an amazing, safe place where all of the children are shown so much love! The way they educate their students and people visiting is done in such a unique way that you want to come back and learn more!

  2. Yes, you are right about Penrickton! I had the chance to tour it last fall and it was absolutely amazing. Wonderful work being done there.
