Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jesus came for the rose.

Reflecting on January's event has been a particularly sweet experience for me.  In approximately 72 hrs I will be on my way to Israel to walk where Jesus walked.   Over the last few weeks,  in many ways, God has been preparing my heart to take it all in.  My prayer has been that I will be profoundly different when I return.

I'm not sure where CG is going this year.  I know God is driving this pink bus, thats for sure.  Girls, I know its unchartered waters for most of us.   Determining to take God's love from the pews to the pavement can be a really messy thing sometimes.

Worth everything?   Yeah.

Remember those pink roses we received that night?  Jesus really did come for the rose.  Every single color, size and shape rose.   That's you, me, women who are close to God and women who are very far from God.

All of us.  It's really scandalous isn't it?   That a love so pure would ask each of us to dance?

I think often about the women we helped with sister2sister project. I wonder if they know as they put on the nail polish we collected at the last CG event - that a group of women have been going to the Lord on their behalf.  Not only in words but in action.   Praying that they will know the love of Jesus.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing so beautifully the heart of Christ in this ministry. I am very excited for you going to Israel... I can promise you will return changed in heart and soul and mind.
    You are such a blessing to us all Tami. I can't wait to hear what God shows you on this trip.

  2. Beautiful Tami... my prayers will be with on your journey. God is driving the pink bus and CG will only be reaching many more people.... women, men, & children in the love of JESUS. Thank you for all "you" do to encourage us. God Bless.

  3. Thanks so much He is driving the pink bus!!!

  4. Maggie, Thanks so much for always being an encourager and cheerleader for CG and to me personally. I appreciate you, Lady!
