Hi Girls! A few weeks ago, we announced the opportunity to serve at
ODM -- food pantry located in Canton. We were jazzed to serve arm and arm with other CG ladies. How cool is it to play a small part in a big plan by a huge God? It was VERY cool. Close to
400 families were served that evening and we enjoyed every minute of it! Ladies from
Connection Church and
Northridge came out to serve on commonground.
Guess what? We get to do it again! Please join us on Thursday, December 17th at
ODM anytime between 430pm and 8pm.
THANK YOU to all the ladies that came out - you are awesome!

[caption id="attachment_184" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Tami (CC), Jill (N'Ridge) & Kim (CC)"]

I can't wait!!! woo hoo!!!