Monday, April 6, 2009

More tees please...

Ladies,  we ordered more commonground tees and they will be here soon!    Tees will be for sale on Sundays at the Women's Kiosk in the mallway at Connection Church and bible study nights.  :)

Big News: Spread the word -- on Sunday, April 26th  we're
all wearing our commonground tees to spread the CG
love during our church services.

Don't delay --get your shirt today.
It's the only way -- okay?

(too much coffee)  :)


  1. I would like to invite you to share your thoughts with me as a Christian woman. I am also seeking to feature Christian women authors if you have any recommendations

    Laura Wrede
    National Women's Ministry Writer

  2. This is way better than a brick & mortar etabsilshment.
