The outpouring of generosity towards these young ladies in fostercare that we are adopting for Christmas has really blown us away.
I really hope we don't ever lose the wonder of seeing the activity of God move in and through CG Girls.
won·der : to be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe; marvel
Some of our Project Crazy Love stories that have added to the wonder:
- CGGirl's coworker made scarves for all of the PCL girls and her husband decided they needed gloves too and bought 14!
- CGGirl decided we shouldn't have to buy anymore shirtboxes and got Kohls in Canton to donate 100 of them.
- When our CGGirl shopping for hoodies at Old Navy with our donated giftcards could only get 12 of them, her Mom stepped in and purchased two more to make it a beautiful 14!
- Our gift total so far: 1,004.
I once read this quote and I've never forgotten it, "Mercy saves us but grace throws the party" -- and in a few weeks we are going to throw an amazing party for 14 young women.
14 young women who have no idea:
- They have been planned for and thought about for 17 months.
- We teared up when we finally got their first names.
- They have captivated the generous hearts of women all over Metro Detroit.
- Their names are going before the Creator of all life in prayers daily.Aren't you so glad you are a part of a movement of women who are taking God's love from the pews to the pavement?
Me, too!
PS - There is still time to contribute to this outpouring of Tami (at) Connectionchurch (dot) info or leave a comment below! We would like to get all fourteen girls pedicures or manicures and are collecting toward making that happen!