Loving those far from God is easier when we remember that all of us have been far from God at some point.
God is a great Father.
Crazy in love with His creation. It's often called His Unfailing Love in the Word.
This all-knowing God, the One who is captivated with each one of us...knows.
Let that set in today...chicks, we are known.
He loves us with the full knowledge of exactly who we are.
That is the love story He has invited us into...each one of us.
Who of us doesn't love a great love story?
Will you consider helping 14 girls who are far from God see that they are known, loved and invited
into the greatest love story ever?
Project Crazy Love: Friday, October 21st 7pm
Connection Church
3855 Sheldon Rd.
Canton, MI 48188
Ok, Ok...I'm in! Now what?
1. Bring your unwrapped
gifts to the event on Friday, Oct. 21st. If you weren't at the last
event and didn't get a chance to pull a gift tag from the stinkin' cute
pink Christmas Tree then please feel free to bring a gift card (you
choose the $$$) from one of these stores: Meijer, Walmart, Kohls, Old
Navy or Target.
2. Are you like me and use bags at Christmas instead of wrapping paper? Well
if you are and have been wondering what to do with all of the half
used Christmas wrap in your closets...we have a solution! Please bring
it to the event on Friday, October 21st! We'll hand it off to the
Project Crazy Love gift wrap team.