Wednesday, June 29, 2011

July 15, 2011 7pm: Are you coming?

CG Girls -- Check this out!!!

Are you coming to the Friday, July 15th event?

One of our CG girls,  Katy Reitz (aka 'lilalicesews), has created some amazing items for one of our giveaways for that event!

In this special giveaway:  I'm a CG Girl Tote Bag, Pillowcase w/Personality, Hair Pin, Day in Paris Make Up Bag, Day in Paris Coin Purse,  Housewife Plastic Bag Dispenser, Pink Flower Lanyard, Pink Flower Keyring Wristlet.

Phew....I need to take a sip of coffee after typing all that!

Who are you bringing to the next CG? 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Change. What are you gazing on?

Hi CG Girls!

I just read this note on FB by Mary Panich.   I thought it was an excellent reminder for all of us.   If you were to take a few minutes and read this -- you won't be wasting your time.  I promise you!

Change is an inevitable part of life! While knowledge, experience and routine bring security, often change brings uncertainty. And it can be an uncomfortable time. Eccl. 3:1-8 says, “Every activity has its appointed time, ordained by God.” We must trust His will, rest in Him, and be assured God has a plan! Some changes are forced and other’s voluntary. Some changes bring joy, others sorrow and confusion. But all changes can be positive, strengthening experiences when under God’s authority.

We resist change because it’s familiar to remain the same, but change is good! Isaiah 42:9 reminds us, “behold the former things have come to pass,” in other words the past is over. No more regrets, no shame, move forward into fresh horizons. We can’t take hold of our future until we let go of our past.

Consider this account found in the book of Exodus 38: The ladies who left Egypt and followed Moses into the wilderness offered up their mirror’s to build a laver in the tabernacle as an act of worship. The laver was placed and filled with water so the priests could do the ceremonial cleansing before they went into the presence of God.

These women gave up the right to look upon themselves for the greater purpose of looking upon God and serving Him. Many times it’s our own reflection that keeps us from our destiny and we are unable or unwilling to change because of what we’re gazing on. The women of the tabernacle laid down their own glory for a greater glory, the glory of the Lord. That which once reflected the image of a woman now reflected the fire of the sacrifice upon the altar.

What are you gazing on? Surrender it as an act of worship and embrace change as you move into fresh horizons.

Friday, June 17, 2011

CG Girls in the workplace!

Jennifer Strickland, a CG girl sent me this pic of her desk at work -- she is bringing the pink!   Way to go, Jen!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

He IS everything He has promised...

Celebrating the goodness of God today.

As these words from the song Waiting Here for You come through my speakers...
"You are everything you've promised.  Your faithfulness is true.  We're desperate for your presence all we need is you.  Waiting here for you."

I'm reminded over and over again how much my cup runs over with His blessing and goodness.  (Psalm 23:5)

Girls, He is our great reward.   What is God doing in your life today?   Lets encourage each other with a short sentence or two in the comments section.

How is God running your cup over today?  Is He cheer leading you on to break free of a sin in your life?   Holding your hand as you walk out a dark season?   Is He the God who knows you and has reminded you of that?

Oh, I can't wait for you to hear this song.... :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This is no ordinary life...

Sometimes we can go about our day and believe that we are just ordinary people.

Today was one of those days until I picked up the phone a few minutes ago.

On the other end?   A very nervous young woman who said,  "Two women came into where I work the other night and said if I call them they could help me."

The women?  The girls from My Sister Song!  Remember our January outreach?

Girls, we do not live ordinary lives.

Because God is an extraordinary God.

Thank you, God for reminding me...You still fight for those in darkness.

Exodus 14:14  The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.



Monday, June 13, 2011

Camp Kesem: Helping kids who just need to be kids!

Hi CG Girls!

At our July 15th event the outreach spotlight will be on Camp Kesem.   If you weren't at the last event you missed this video that explains a bit about the kid experience at the camp.   We wanted to post it today so you could see it!